hedwards: That happens infrequently enough that it's not even worth mentioning other than to respond to actual cases. As a general rule people that bring that up are using it as a way of rationalizing their lack of integrity.
It's just not germane to the topic of conversation when there's clearly racism going on. At best it's a distraction from the real issue at hand.
Oh, please, like Greeks are any better in that regards.
Do you have any idea how incredibly racist your post is? It's not just blacks that react that way, it's damn near everybody, it's just that blacks get exposed to a lot more of that crap that most other groups do.
1. Oh it happens more than you think in this country.....minority "leaders" like to pull the racism card at the drop of a hat it seems, and the media is right there for them to get their 15+ minutes of fame as they decry anything and everything to be racism just to get community support. I'm looking at YOU Al Sharpton, Jess Jackson, etc......and also whites on the opposite side of the fence like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.
Those chaps often use race to gain views on the most innocuous of issues, and even issues where the accusations might be totally unfounded....usually concentrating on supposed "slurs" against their race while ignoring those made by their race against others. If they want to truly fight racism they should drop the sensationalism and fight against ALL types of racism(black vs white & vice versa), not just that which will get them ratings and followers.
And no, not everyone that brings up those abusing the race card "system" are lacking integrity. Some are, but to say ALL are is a gross generalization. And it IS appropriate to the subject at hand when people use it regardless of how it will impact and divide the community(rich vs poor, conservative vs liberal, black vs white), as in many cases it just irritates the situation without solving much and causes infighting where there was none before. If we didn't have people using racism as a platform for power and influence(in media and politics) then maybe we could tackle the real issues and come together as a species just that much easier.
(This isn't to say that some politicians and media types don't tackle and handle the issue of race for good reason or to do good....some do, but many don't.)
I think that bit about everyone feeling that way is what he was trying to point out.....he used the term black person but he could've used any other minority and it would've still worked I think.
While his post was a bit insensitive & it could have been worded better it did illustrate the point very well though about the double standard of how racism can be handled in america........ex: Black beats up white & it's a normal crime usually with not much outcry about any possible racial implications from most people beyond conservatives/etc......but white guy beats up black guy and suddenly it's a "hate crime" and anyone and everyone(including the ones I mentioned above) is calling it a tragedy and bemoaning how it could happen in today's society.