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CD Projekt RED Group Summer Conference live (right here! We'll embed it below!) on the 30th May 2012 at 5:00 PM GMT.

We know that he who does not collect in summer, will heat little in winter and because we care for our users, you can prepare yourselves for wonderful harvest after the CD Projekt RED Group Summer Conference next Wednesday at 5:00 PM GMT. It is true that one swallow does not make a summer, that is why first you will hear some earth-shattering news from our friends from CDP RED and around 40 minutes later (that’s around 5.40 GMT!), TheEnigmaticT will tell you about’s upcoming plans and release a number of fantastic games live at the show. We know that the summer that yields lots of pumpkins and horseradish doesn't fill the larder, that is why you can expect some old, some classic, and some brand new releases that will definitely heat up the first days of June.

Winter will ask you what you did during the summer, so make sure to tune in next wednesday May 30th at 5:00 PM GMT to watch us during the CD Projekt RED Group Summer Conference in this very newspost. Summer night is not very long but it rocks many cradles. You simply don’t want to miss it.

It may take a while for the video to buffer below, you but you can check out the stream here on Ustream if you missed it. Our part starts about 30 minutes in. Thanks for watching!

We’re out of obscure Polish proverbs about Summer, but feel free to make up your own in the comments below. ;)
I guess my prediction is a few pretty good games, followed by 500 posts of yelling about what a let-down it was.
In the spirit of my random predictions that never happen. SEGA as a partner and Wonderboy III the Dragon's Trap announced. Also Cinemaware and Wings.

It could happen. >:|

gameon: Could GOG bring along another Youtube celebrity?
I hope they get the error 37 guy in character.
I just want to see T's hat again;)
Only problem with summer is that the sun goes down late and I have less game time...but winter comes!!
Cycloid_Torus: Only problem with summer is that the sun goes down late and I have less game time...but winter comes!!
Do you work at a solar plant?
Ah! New game releases and other fun stuff! Thank you I didn't know you knew it was my birthday but these are wonderful presents! :)
gm192206: I guess my prediction is a few pretty good games, followed by 500 posts of yelling about what a let-down it was.

Anyway, the bird that flies at sunrise on a Summer's day beats the heat, so I will check in early to make sure I see everything and can log on correctly.
gameon: Could GOG bring along another Youtube celebrity? Freddie Wong would be a good choice:
What about Dodger or TotalBiscuit (the latter of which is a user on here, mind you)?

Also, I would LOVE to see the following:
1) Mac OS X support (the backlash after The Witcher 1 went Steam-exclusive should have been bigger IMO)
2) Linux support (although I think it'll just be the files that you'd need, along with maybe some instructions)
3) A new publisher (see below)
4) The rights to a particular library of a current publisher (see below)
5) A new game from a current publisher partner (see below)

New publishers:
LucasArts (has to happen eventually I guess, enough folks have screamed about it)
2K Games (maybe this will be when we get a non-sucky PC version of Borderlands 1)
The Learning Company / Broderbund (Carmen Sandiego, Oregon Trail, Super Solvers, Lode Runner, the original Prince of Persia games, etc.)
Id Software / Bethesda (QUAKE, DOOM, Commander Keen, Elder Scrolls, etc.)
Microsoft Game Studios (Halo, Midtown Madness, etc.)
Capcom (Street Fighter X Tekken, SSFIV Arcade Edition, Resident Evil, etc.)
Konami (Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, etc.)
WB Games / NetherRealm Studios (Mortal Kombat, Area 51 [the lightgun shooter game, NOT the godawful FPS of the same name], Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham City, etc.)
Prima Games (publishers of the Witcher 2 strategy guide, maybe they'll offer PDF versions of their guides, because their Windows app is a load of DRM-laden b.s.)
Telltale Games (Tales of Monkey Island, Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit, etc.)
Disney Interactive Studios (nee Disney Interactive, mainly I want Hare-Raising Havoc to be on really badly)

Current publisher's libraries:
More titles from EA (EA Sports, Maxis, Bullfrog and Westwood, among others)
Humongous Entertainment (the various incarnations of Backyard Baseball and Backyard [American] Football are what I'm waiting for)
More Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon from Ubisoft

New games (excepting the original Carmageddon due to the Kickstarter thing):
No One Lives Forever
System Shock 1/2
PGA Tour Golf series
Madden NFL series
FIFA soccer series
Sensible World of Soccer
Earl Weaver Baseball
EA's CRPGs from back in the day that didn't involve Ultima
Looney Tunes: Sheep Raider (one can dream I guess)
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed Bloodlines
I wait.
BJWanlund: What about Dodger or TotalBiscuit (the latter of which is a user on here, mind you)?
gameon: Isn't he the guy that does the WTF vids? If so thats well good.
Yeah TB does the WTF videos, actually if I recall Cd Projekt Red and/or the GOG guys actually messaged him thinking he was Jessie Cox and then asked if he would still like to come out to Poland for the stream, but he had to turn it down do to prior obligations, and I doubt TB will be able to do it now given that he's seems to be focusing on doing things in the states for the time being,
Post edited May 26, 2012 by DCT
gm192206: I guess my prediction is a few pretty good games, followed by 500 posts of yelling about what a let-down it was.
BJWanlund: Humongous Entertainment
Excellent idea.
Cycloid_Torus: Only problem with summer is that the sun goes down late and I have less game time...but winter comes!!
trusteft: Do you work at a solar plant?
trusteft: Do you work at a solar plant?
Cycloid_Torus: Farm.
Paint your windows black.
Cycloid_Torus: Only problem with summer is that the sun goes down late and I have less game time...but winter comes!!