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high rated
Given that 'Second Sight' probably won't be available here for the forseeable future, I thought I'd host a small giveaway in its 'honour'.

To enter you'll have to write about a supernaturla experience you've witnessed/been part of first-hand. Or, if you don't believe in supernatural things, something unexplainable (which is basically the same thing).

After a few/several hours - I'd like to give the winner the opportunity to download the game before tomorrow, as GOG may be forced to remove it (not likely, but one never knows) - I'll let decide.

Good/entertaining/beliveable entries may earn more than one "slot" in the draw, basically doubling your chances. You'll only be allowed one entry each, though (may be edited).

No trading, and if not redeemed by the winner sometime tomorrow (European time), it might be fed to the ninjas. You've been warned.

Good luck =)
not entering, thank u pH7 :) +1

I never got to finish this on Gametap, so I'm a bit down that the game is disappearing before I could remember to pick it up (certain games I just never remember are on here).
Post edited September 25, 2012 by johnki
Not entering.

But you da awesome.
Thank you for the giveaway! Don't believe supernatural stuff so I have a lot of philosophical questions to ask like, "why am I living?" that have no definite answer. I wish I could witness their answers, if they have any at all!
I saw a UFO once. It was huge, and up close, hovering above my house without making a sound. And I ran inside to take the camera and make a picture, but it was gone when I came out.
johnki: I'm in! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I never got to finish this on Gametap, so I'm a bit down that the game is disappearing before I could remember to pick it up (certain games I just never remember are on here).
In that case you'd better start writing ;-)
pH7: To enter you'll have to write about a supernatural experience you've witnessed/been part of first-hand. Or, if you don't believe in supernatural things, something unexplainable (which is basically the same thing).
Interesting giveaway!

I've sadly not had a lot of unexplained things happen to me. There is this strange noise I keep hearing at night, which sounds like metal grinding upon metal, though I have my theories on what it might be (I think my neighbors above me has an exercise machine that needs oiling).

But one thing happened recently, that I really can't explain. All of the sudden two of my t-shirts have a hole each in them, at almost exactly the same spot. And it is not on a seam, no, they are right at the middle of the back of the t-shirts. I still wonder how that happened.
I'm not interesting since I picked it up, but you might want to buy the code ASAP and then just reward the winner whenever, just in case. Cheers on the giveaway.
AFnord: But one thing happened recently, that I really can't explain. All of the sudden two of my t-shirts have a hole each in them, at almost exactly the same spot. And it is not on a seam, no, they are right at the middle of the back of the t-shirts. I still wonder how that happened.
Have you ever read Asimov's "Pebble in the Sky" ? That might be it :P
pH7: In that case you'd better start writing ;-)
Oh...crap. I got lost in the excitement of the giveaway existing. I'll need to think about it.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by johnki
AFnord: But one thing happened recently, that I really can't explain. All of the sudden two of my t-shirts have a hole each in them, at almost exactly the same spot. And it is not on a seam, no, they are right at the middle of the back of the t-shirts. I still wonder how that happened.
Licurg: Have you ever read Asimov's "Pebble in the Sky" ? That might be it :P
Sadly no. I really need to read more Asimov (I've only read the Foundation books thus far). So many books to read, so little time...
Post edited September 25, 2012 by AFnord
kodeen: I'm not interesting since I picked it up, but you might want to buy the code ASAP and then just reward the winner whenever, just in case. Cheers on the giveaway.
I already got the code, but in the other thread one of the bluetexts aired the (unlikely) possibility that it could be that they would have to remove the game files too. While I'm reasonably sure it won't come to that, it would really suck to win this game and then not being able to actually get it. So, better safe than sorry =)
Licurg: Have you ever read Asimov's "Pebble in the Sky" ? That might be it :P
AFnord: Sadly no. I really need to read more Asimov (I've only read the Foundation books thus far). So many books to read, so little time...
Be sure to read "The End of Eternity" as well, one of his best works :)
AFnord: There is this strange noise I keep hearing at night, which sounds like metal grinding upon metal, though I have my theories on what it might be (I think my neighbors above me has an exercise machine that needs oiling).
You're probably right on the exercise part but I'm not so sure about any machinery being involved..