Posted September 25, 2012
high rated
Given that 'Second Sight' probably won't be available here for the forseeable future, I thought I'd host a small giveaway in its 'honour'.
To enter you'll have to write about a supernaturla experience you've witnessed/been part of first-hand. Or, if you don't believe in supernatural things, something unexplainable (which is basically the same thing).
After a few/several hours - I'd like to give the winner the opportunity to download the game before tomorrow, as GOG may be forced to remove it (not likely, but one never knows) - I'll let decide.
Good/entertaining/beliveable entries may earn more than one "slot" in the draw, basically doubling your chances. You'll only be allowed one entry each, though (may be edited).
No trading, and if not redeemed by the winner sometime tomorrow (European time), it might be fed to the ninjas. You've been warned.
Good luck =)
To enter you'll have to write about a supernaturla experience you've witnessed/been part of first-hand. Or, if you don't believe in supernatural things, something unexplainable (which is basically the same thing).
After a few/several hours - I'd like to give the winner the opportunity to download the game before tomorrow, as GOG may be forced to remove it (not likely, but one never knows) - I'll let decide.
Good/entertaining/beliveable entries may earn more than one "slot" in the draw, basically doubling your chances. You'll only be allowed one entry each, though (may be edited).
No trading, and if not redeemed by the winner sometime tomorrow (European time), it might be fed to the ninjas. You've been warned.
Good luck =)