lowyhong: Le sigh. Wish they'd release a Collector's Ed for the PC instead.
You mean with a novelty giant, purple dildo bat in the box?:)
Foxhack: ]And this is why I don't buy games with stupid amounts of DLC. Because they always release a full version.
Except for EA, but they're douches.
Fictionvision: Cases like this are why I'm not even going to look at getting Borderlands 2 until late next year. The game has 4 DLC expansions planned that they pre-sold as a pack, plus more DLC not covered in it that costs extra. When the total price of a console game is more than what previous generation consoles themselves cost at this point in their lifespans, something is going wrong.
Except the base game is fucking awesome all by itself and co-op mode is part of the draw.