Posted December 13, 2012

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Registered: Sep 2008
From Christmas Island
Posted December 13, 2012

Anyway, my point was that since developers don't want to make players who just play through the story frustrated, they have to allow them to earn enough money to buy most of the stuff available.
Any optional content (which is mostly harder than the story content, and for which players typically expect good rewards) will only add to that, until you're able to afford everything in the game, and have money left over.
It's probably possible to make an RPG with a non-breakable economy (if only through making a purely linear game where the devs can completely control the amount of money available to any player), but it's pretty difficult, and any solution would likely create other problems.
And then there the players who actually enjoy breaking the game's economy, and see having a huge pile of money they don't know what to do with as an accomplishment, giving them a sense of progression on a par with character levels.
There are probably more of them than of people who're bothered by those same piles of money, so the developers don't even really have an incentive to try and fix the problem.

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted December 13, 2012
I can't really recommend it (though it's not the worst you'll ever play), GODS: Lands of Infinity (Special Edition) is an RPG built around an economic system instead of the other way around.
Most of the game is spent buying and selling to get what you want or need.
As for games like NWN and Baldur's Gate, I think you're supposed to get ridiculously rich. That's part of the game. It's not easy to get rich at all in those worlds. You're the only player with a save and load function, meaning you get the benefits of Groundhog-Day-style manipulation of the world.
I like that Fable lets you use your wealth to play Real Estate Mogul. And I like the fact that most RPGs have the best items hidden.
Money should be spent on low-level gear and consumables and upgrades, IMHO. The best stuff is always well protected by those who own it.
And, much like in real life, money has less value the more you have. If I owned a real meager Longsword +1, I think I'd rather have it than a meager couple thousand gold coins. Everyone has gold coins.
Most of the game is spent buying and selling to get what you want or need.
As for games like NWN and Baldur's Gate, I think you're supposed to get ridiculously rich. That's part of the game. It's not easy to get rich at all in those worlds. You're the only player with a save and load function, meaning you get the benefits of Groundhog-Day-style manipulation of the world.
I like that Fable lets you use your wealth to play Real Estate Mogul. And I like the fact that most RPGs have the best items hidden.
Money should be spent on low-level gear and consumables and upgrades, IMHO. The best stuff is always well protected by those who own it.
And, much like in real life, money has less value the more you have. If I owned a real meager Longsword +1, I think I'd rather have it than a meager couple thousand gold coins. Everyone has gold coins.

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted December 13, 2012
Well in theory you should spend it on stuff like glass armor and item enchanting fees and skill training, but if you're abusing the alchemy thing you can probably enchant all the constant-effect stuff you want without fear of failure. I don't really think glitch exploitation is a good measure, though... but I always end up with oodles of cash in Morrowind anyway.
The soul gem thing is just silly, though. That's one of the things that I'm very glad they changed in Oblivion. Being able to buy a stack of grand soul gems for cheap and then sell them back for 80K+ is just absurd. Of course, even that is only really a problem if you're using the creature merchants. I actually think that Morrowind has one of the closest things to an unbreakable economy in theory, because shopkeepers don't have infinite money to spend like in every other RPG. But because of a couple of silly things, it doesn't really work at all.
The soul gem thing is just silly, though. That's one of the things that I'm very glad they changed in Oblivion. Being able to buy a stack of grand soul gems for cheap and then sell them back for 80K+ is just absurd. Of course, even that is only really a problem if you're using the creature merchants. I actually think that Morrowind has one of the closest things to an unbreakable economy in theory, because shopkeepers don't have infinite money to spend like in every other RPG. But because of a couple of silly things, it doesn't really work at all.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted December 13, 2012
It will be interesting to see how the economy in Kenshi turns out after next big update.

Day one DLC
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted December 13, 2012
The problem is pretty much that you run around and kill a lot of stuff and take the stuff of the stuff.
If you would kill 500 people and take all their stuff in real life and sell it you also would be filthy rich.
If you would kill 500 people and take all their stuff in real life and sell it you also would be filthy rich.

too old
Registered: Jul 2009
From Other
Posted December 13, 2012
But in most cases it's ok since you (or your party) become a half-god by the end of most RPGs. There are some exceptions though.

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland

Friendly Dragon
Registered: Dec 2011
From Sweden
Posted December 13, 2012

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted December 13, 2012
Fallout 1 had pretty good balance on caps and bartering, atleast in the beginning.
People simply didnt have enough caps to pay you the real price of the thing you were selling, especially if you had lots of points in bartering -> so you had to change "expensive items" to stuff you actually need.
I think that kind of bartering system is much more interesting, than the typical "I have xxx xxx xxx^10 credits in my bottomless pants".
People simply didnt have enough caps to pay you the real price of the thing you were selling, especially if you had lots of points in bartering -> so you had to change "expensive items" to stuff you actually need.
I think that kind of bartering system is much more interesting, than the typical "I have xxx xxx xxx^10 credits in my bottomless pants".

Do your worst
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted December 13, 2012

It also doesn't help that I am kind of a gun whore.
I had a bunch of the unique chips from collecting them and winning blackjack until I got banned at the casino in the Dead Money DLC. I then used these chips to buy hundreds of weapon repair kits from the sustainable vending machine doohickey in Elijah's room in the Brotherhood bunker after I completed the mission. You also get a voucher delivered daily (I'm pretty sure it's daily) in the small safe in the wall in the hallway which can then be redeemed for more chips that can be used in the vending machine.
So all those brush guns and 12.7mm sub machine guns and every other gun I had been stocking in chests in the Lucky 38 to be used for repair for future weapons could each be repaired individually to a high condition. Then I could sell them for bookoo caps or traded for large amounts of ammo and nukes. No more using five different guns to repair one gun to full condition. Some of the rare guns don't have other guns that they can be repaired with either.
It was a real good money maker for guns anyway. I didn't figure out anything like that for armor though.
edit: removed some rambling
Post edited December 13, 2012 by KyleKatarn

Adam We
Registered: May 2010
From Canada
Posted December 13, 2012

Oh sure, there are consumables. But then you have to factor in Gamer OCD (see attached).

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Canada
Posted December 13, 2012

People simply didnt have enough caps to pay you the real price of the thing you were selling, especially if you had lots of points in bartering -> so you had to change "expensive items" to stuff you actually need.
I think that kind of bartering system is much more interesting, than the typical "I have xxx xxx xxx^10 credits in my bottomless pants".

Pip Boy 3000
Registered: May 2011
From United States

Do your worst
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted December 13, 2012

I had a bunch of the unique chips from collecting them and winning blackjack until I got banned at the casino in the Dead Money DLC. I then used these chips to buy hundreds of weapon repair kits from the sustainable vending machine doohickey in Elijah's room in the Brotherhood bunker after I completed the mission. You also get a voucher delivered daily (I'm pretty sure it's daily) in the small safe in the wall in the hallway which can then be redeemed for more chips that can be used in the vending machine.
So all those brush guns and 12.7mm sub machine guns and every other gun I had been stocking in chests in the Lucky 38 to be used for repair for future weapons could each be repaired individually to a high condition. Then I could sell them for bookoo caps or traded for large amounts of ammo and nukes. No more using five different guns to repair one gun to full condition. Some of the rare guns don't have other guns that they can be repaired with either.
It was a real good money maker for guns anyway. I didn't figure out anything like that for armor though.
edit: removed some rambling