Magmarock: Hi there after seeing this form post here I thought this sure is a lot of trouble for Roland sound.
Is there a difference between Roland MT32 and general Roland midi?
I think it was said already, but those instructions are a bit obsolete already. In e.g. Windows 7 the current way of getting MT-32 emulation to work with Munt is (IIRC):
1. Install BASSMIDI
2. Install Munt (+ copy the MT-32 or CM-32L ROM files to the right place as mentioned in Munt instructions).
Then you can use BASSMIDI to switch between General MIDI and Roland MT-32, before you run a game. Naturally you also have to tell the game itself that it should use Roland MT-32/CM-32L/LAPC-1 for music, e.g. by running the internal sound setup executable for the game (it has to be run from within DOSBox); or then you have to edit some sound configuration file in the game directory manually, if you know what values to put where.
(BASSMIDI can also be used for General MIDI games to use better replacement General MIDI sound fonts (like ChoriumRevA, which I recommend) instead of the weak sounding default Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth soundfont. So BASSMIDI serves a double purpose for PC retrogamers, 1. allowing Vista/7/8 users to use Munt for MT-32 emulation, and 2. allowing one to make General MIDI music sound better by using better GMIDI soundfonts)
Also one point, as the original discussion was specifically getting Ultima Underworld sound effects to play correctly. I think Roland CM-32L is preferred over MT-32 in the case of Ultima Underworld, as CM-32L can play some special effects that will be missing with MT-32, at least the swimming sound: So, it might be better to use CM-32L ROMs for Uiltima Underworld, instead of MT-32 ROMs.
Then again, with many other games MT-32 is the preferred option. Older games with MT-32 ROMs, newer games with CM-32L ROMs. But I think overall either one is fine for all MT-32/CM-32L games, they are close enough and swapping them depending on the game is too much hassle. I personally opt for CM-32L ROMs as I am more familiar with how it sounds, so the extra clicking sounds in some games don't come as a surprise. :)
And I think it was answered many times already, but General MIDI and Roland MT-32/CM-32L are two different things. You can play MT-32 music with a General MIDI synth and vice versa, ie. there will be some sounds coming out, but it will be very erratic. So unless you are using Munt or a real MT-32/CM-32L, in general I'd suggest not to use the Roland MT-32 sound option in games, but stay with Adlib/Soundblaster.