Mrstarker: Do you have any idea how much time playing and analysing 150 video games in depth would take?
Are you suggesting that scientific research takes effort?
No, sorry, I guess you're suggesting that it shouldn't...
Mrstarker: Also, raising hell? An interviewer asking a question is raising hell?
"Asking a question" ? "Asking" a question? Hardly.
We tried to take them seriously, you know. At least some of us have. Decent PC gaming news are hard to come by.
Their necrophiliac, Dead Island thing pissed me off. PAX boycott got me thinking about RPS boycott. Harassing BLIZZARD, my beloved guys, over issues RPS themselves claim DO NOT exist, yet they MAY at some point in the future? Issues that are nonsensical, made up, and pinned blindly on whatever they can find? Screw this. I've had enough.
They're not helping anyone. If they think they are - they're delusional. If they know they're not - they're ruthless opportunists. They sicken me. The assumption is that people are too dumb to think for themselves; it's that women are too weak to speak up for themselves; it's that a female character should be judged based on looks, while males can be based on actions; it's that female body, when revealed, eclipses everything else; it's that it's only sexual; it's that only men want to see that; it's that such depictions are INAPPROPRIATE. It's all nonsense.
Meanwhile I have my mom calling me periodically to announce what lovely, skimpy set of clothes she found to stransmog her priest's robes into... or her paladin's armor... or her shaman's clothes... or her warrior's plate... When I told her about this topic, prompted for opinion, I've heard what I have posted here, almost word for word. The only innovative thought was that she pities me for living in such times, because back in her days women could be sexy without any men trying to tell them what to wear. As I tried to ripost that this is about depictions, not actual women, I felt the issue making even less sense.
I honestly don't know what to tell you at this point. If you still want to prove things to me, show me a girl gamer who feels depressed by female depictions in video games. I'll give her a hug, take her to dinner, talk things out, and clear her mind... free of charge.