Red_Avatar: the article says SQUAT except that it's coming to Steam and yet no-one has so far explained to me why they couldn't simply wait for the game to appear on Steam and THEN make a news post since they don't even have a date of release!
It's news. By the time it hits Steam, Steam will be telling us all about it. "Real" News has always trended towards making itself known as fast as it can be communicated, rather than sat upon until it was deemed convenient.
On the contrary, if they'd sat on the news, kept it secret and waited until it was out to post about it, any article they put up would be little more than a press release, which is exactly the sort of thing that a lot of so-called "news" sites are being criticized for at the moment.
I think that you should take a time-out and seriously examine your own motives for seeing bias here. A gaming website rushing to be first with a scoop doesn't seem to quite fit that definition.