hedwards: the ones that have to pay the taxes to protect the disproportionate wealth.
pseudonarne: confused...
not sure what thats supposed to mean. like middle class is paying for cops to make sure these guys don't get robbed? they pay taxes too....a ton of $.
er....well most of them do
http://thecelebritycafe.com/feature/2012/12/alec-baldwin-stephen-baldwin-s-tax-arrest-i-don-t-think-he-s-going-jail-video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Geithner Yes, they pay a ton of taxes, but they don't pay as large a share of their money as the lower classes do. They typically pay capital gains taxes which max out at 15% of their income, and that's assuming they haven't been able to hire a team of accountants to get it down below that.
Even in Germany, the tax rate tends to top out at about 35% of the income. And unlike in the US, people who make more pay more taxes there. The concept of paying ones dues dates back to at least the ancient Greeks who observed that those who are well off had an obligation to see to it that the next generation had similar opportunities, rather than stealing everything that wasn't nailed down and blaming capitalism.
Also, I'm not really sure what the point of those particular links is. They have absolutely no relevance to anything I've said, and even if they did, that's two examples.
hedwards: No, I mean people who are upset that certain sectors get a free ride through life because they were lucky enough to be born into wealth. Having what is effectively a permanent upper class based upon work from generations back is not something which is healthy for a capitalist society to have.
Cormoran: You just described someone who is jealous that they didn't get that fat inheritance.
Also, how is it not healthy?
This is why I have so little respect for fascists. If you don't see how this is unhealthy, I would suggest you take some economics classes, because this sort of situation is pretty much the exact opposite of what you want for a healthy economy.
What you're failing to understand is that this bit about having ones life set at birth is more or less the reason why Communism always fails in the long run. All communist states that have existed have been unable to maintain that for long as the rot and stagnancy tends to ripple through the economy.
Same basic thing is going on in the US, the wealth is so concentrated in those sorts of spoiled brats that the infrastructure is literally crumbling with bridges falling down so that the wealthy can avoid paying their fair share of the taxes. Even as the gulf between the working classes and the rich grows ever larger.