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Crassmaster: Who cares? Seriously, why care? She spent a ton of scratch at a bar...and? That's it? Who gives a damn?
hedwards: Probably, the folks that actually have to work to earn a living and the ones that have to pay the taxes to protect the disproportionate wealth.
So, like me. And...hmm, nope, I don't give a shit. It's completely unimorpant to my life and I have better things to spend my time on.
hedwards: the ones that have to pay the taxes to protect the disproportionate wealth.
not sure what thats supposed to mean. like middle class is paying for cops to make sure these guys don't get robbed? they pay taxes too....a ton of $.
er....well most of them do
hedwards: Probably, the folks that actually have to work to earn a living and the ones that have to pay the taxes to protect the disproportionate wealth.
Crassmaster: So, like me. And...hmm, nope, I don't give a shit. It's completely unimorpant to my life and I have better things to spend my time on.
Better things? Do you have any idea how many people die each year due to these sorts of social justice issues?

I guess the difference between us is that I actually care about strangers' well being, recognizing that they are ultimately inextricable from my own well being. I'm not wealthy by any reasonable means, but I'm not deluded enough to pretend like I'm better off solely through my own work. Like most other people who aren't dirt poor, I was fortunate enough not to wind up with a serious illness or born into severe poverty. And other things of that nature.
Cormoran: You mean the people who are jealous that they didn't get to have a fat inheritance, too?
hedwards: No, I mean people who are upset that certain sectors get a free ride through life because they were lucky enough to be born into wealth. Having what is effectively a permanent upper class based upon work from generations back is not something which is healthy for a capitalist society to have.
so you'd prefer what? "capitalism" but the government gets everything you didn't manage to spend before you die so your children start from scratch regardless of how well you did and ignoring thats half the point of making anything?
how could you even call that capitalism then?
Crassmaster: So, like me. And...hmm, nope, I don't give a shit. It's completely unimorpant to my life and I have better things to spend my time on.
hedwards: Better things? Do you have any idea how many people die each year due to these sorts of social justice issues? you're one of those "theres only a finite amount of money so anybody who manages to earn extra stole it from those poor people over there" types?
(you dont have less cause you[url=]'re unlucky or missed an opportunity or whatever its because you've been wronged[url=]. they dont have more because they were lucky or managed to recognize and seize an opportunity they were in the right place and time to see its really because they deliberately wronged you[url=]. An injustice has been done. ect)
Post edited January 31, 2013 by pseudonarne
Crassmaster: So, like me. And...hmm, nope, I don't give a shit. It's completely unimorpant to my life and I have better things to spend my time on.
hedwards: Better things? Do you have any idea how many people die each year due to these sorts of social justice issues?

I guess the difference between us is that I actually care about strangers' well being, recognizing that they are ultimately inextricable from my own well being. I'm not wealthy by any reasonable means, but I'm not deluded enough to pretend like I'm better off solely through my own work. Like most other people who aren't dirt poor, I was fortunate enough not to wind up with a serious illness or born into severe poverty. And other things of that nature.
Well then, I assume you've never, ever spent a dime of money on anything superfluous for yourself. After all, you're so worried about others that you must have given everything you have to other people first. Right?
Cormoran: You mean the people who are jealous that they didn't get to have a fat inheritance, too?
hedwards: No, I mean people who are upset that certain sectors get a free ride through life because they were lucky enough to be born into wealth. Having what is effectively a permanent upper class based upon work from generations back is not something which is healthy for a capitalist society to have.
You just described someone who is jealous that they didn't get that fat inheritance.

Also, how is it not healthy?
hedwards: the ones that have to pay the taxes to protect the disproportionate wealth.
pseudonarne: confused...
not sure what thats supposed to mean. like middle class is paying for cops to make sure these guys don't get robbed? they pay taxes too....a ton of $.
er....well most of them do
Yes, they pay a ton of taxes, but they don't pay as large a share of their money as the lower classes do. They typically pay capital gains taxes which max out at 15% of their income, and that's assuming they haven't been able to hire a team of accountants to get it down below that.

Even in Germany, the tax rate tends to top out at about 35% of the income. And unlike in the US, people who make more pay more taxes there. The concept of paying ones dues dates back to at least the ancient Greeks who observed that those who are well off had an obligation to see to it that the next generation had similar opportunities, rather than stealing everything that wasn't nailed down and blaming capitalism.

Also, I'm not really sure what the point of those particular links is. They have absolutely no relevance to anything I've said, and even if they did, that's two examples.
hedwards: No, I mean people who are upset that certain sectors get a free ride through life because they were lucky enough to be born into wealth. Having what is effectively a permanent upper class based upon work from generations back is not something which is healthy for a capitalist society to have.
Cormoran: You just described someone who is jealous that they didn't get that fat inheritance.

Also, how is it not healthy?
This is why I have so little respect for fascists. If you don't see how this is unhealthy, I would suggest you take some economics classes, because this sort of situation is pretty much the exact opposite of what you want for a healthy economy.

What you're failing to understand is that this bit about having ones life set at birth is more or less the reason why Communism always fails in the long run. All communist states that have existed have been unable to maintain that for long as the rot and stagnancy tends to ripple through the economy.

Same basic thing is going on in the US, the wealth is so concentrated in those sorts of spoiled brats that the infrastructure is literally crumbling with bridges falling down so that the wealthy can avoid paying their fair share of the taxes. Even as the gulf between the working classes and the rich grows ever larger.
Post edited January 31, 2013 by hedwards
hedwards: This is why I have so little respect for fascists. If you don't see how this is unhealthy, I would suggest you take some economics classes, because this sort of situation is pretty much the exact opposite of what you want for a healthy economy.

What you're failing to understand is that this bit about having ones life set at birth is more or less the reason why Communism always fails in the long run. All communist states that have existed have been unable to maintain that for long as the rot and stagnancy tends to ripple through the economy.

Same basic thing is going on in the US, the wealth is so concentrated in those sorts of spoiled brats that the infrastructure is literally crumbling with bridges falling down so that the wealthy can avoid paying their fair share of the taxes. Even as the gulf between the working classes and the rich grows ever larger.
All i'm reading here is "I don't actually know and all I'm willing to do to back it up is insinuating a lack of education on your part."

Answer the question, please.
hedwards: fascists
in fascism the government would basically seize all forms of industry, property ect. you're using the word wrong
it ends up being more similar to communism than you'd think

and you can't really blame "the rich" for the shitty infrastructure. Sure they have the money to fix it themselves i know who else has a ton of money they fling around like its less than nothing every year? The government. If they just used it intelligently they'd be able to fix the bridges themselves. but they just put it off every year to make this year's budget look more balanced than it is until something like Katrina happens and a levee collapses.

Take welfare for example. Does it really help the people who need it most? Guess what, you need a permanent address so hobos need not apply.

People shouldn't be allowed to inherit or leave anything for their kids? comeon give me a break.
if you feel they should be using all that money they have that you don't to help the poor...what do you do with your extra money? soup kitchen or gog?
If its games who are you to say what other people should do for charity when you don't? I'm not telling you to fund a hospital from the ground up but do something in proportion to what you're demanding... do you even drop a few coins in some hobo's cup or do you walk on by? Or for infrastructure: ever stop to fill in a pothole or pull a vine off a stop sign? paint over some obscene word scrawled on a bridge or cover a rust spot(exposed metal decays much faster) small can of rustolium is $3. 10 for a quart. don't have to be a gazillionare to get that. If the government can't handle the upkeep on its infrastructure why not chip in yourself every little bit helps.
Somebody spends 45k and you call them fascists for not giving it all away and helping starving kids in africa....ever see that commercial on tv where "for just $10 you can feed this kid for a week"? Most people here bought so many games they don't get around to playing them all and develop a backlog yet continue to buy more games instead of sending that $10 a week where it can do some good, hows that any better.
grr typos
only noticed now, must have looked stupid for awhile saying you blame "the roch"
Post edited January 31, 2013 by pseudonarne
Imagine a world where the tax on consumer goods increased the more you spent. Kindof like an overconsumption consumption tax. RFID tags on all consumer goods?

That, and maybe 50% inheritance tax, maximum wages, mandatory corporate accountability of executives to failing companies (IE, no bonuses paid out after a bailout, etc), and the reclaimation of "mafia" industries like home and automotive insurance companies. The fact that a product is allowed to be sold where a company profits from offering you nothing, and increases the rate if you try to use it is absurd.
Post edited January 31, 2013 by anjohl
I think the problem is less whether spending this amount out is right or wrong and more that a spoilt, lazy little bitch this should be spending that much on something like booze at a time when the rich men heading up major companies are complaining that they can't afford to pay people more while much of the UK is on the poverty line, struggling to eke out an existence on £15,000 a year. I mean, for fuck's sake, she has managed to spend a minimum wage earner's annual income more than twice over on fucking booze. That money could have gone on much better things.

If everyone was in a reasonable situation and poverty was at a minimum and largely a self-inflicted matter, then I'd say, why not, indulge. But the fact of the matter is that this money has come from somewhere where it could have been put to better use, for example paying a minimum wage earner that is struggling to feed his or her kids.

Rich people make me feel socialist? Fuck that. Rich people MADE me socialist.
This doesn't make me angry at all. In fact, I don't even know why this is news. A rich person spent a lot of money. Well colour me surprised >.>
StingingVelvet: $45,000 for one night at the bar for this rich young heiress.
Whoa, luckily I havent ever found one of those in my pocket..

Would have to join the breatharianists :(
Poor people make me feel awkward. Oh and I love how people say they could help the poor and so on with someone else money. Objectively All of us here are at least middle class and we waste money on games the same way they waste it on the other pleasures.
Crassmaster: Well then, I assume you've never, ever spent a dime of money on anything superfluous for yourself. After all, you're so worried about others that you must have given everything you have to other people first. Right?
Can we please not do this stupid thing where being against $45k for a night of partying equates to being against all luxury spending?
