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Just be yourself. Be happy with who you are, and if you aren't, then change it. You can't control how other people think of you. If she's happy with you, great if she's not, it doesn't matter, you'll meet someone who is. Don't change yourself because you think someone else might like you better, you may find neither of you like what you become. Only change if you're unhappy with yourself.

In other words, only do a barrel roll when YOU want to!
Post edited December 19, 2011 by RealWeaponX
RealWeaponX: do a barrel roll when YOU want to!
Well at any rate DO that barrel roll, it seems like a fantastic conversation piece. Or conversation ender, that depends.
FraterPerdurabo: Oh and a free pro tip of the day, don't be this guy!
This post had me in tears.
Post edited December 19, 2011 by lowyhong
RealWeaponX: do a barrel roll when YOU want to!
Fenixp: Well at any rate DO that barrel roll, it seems like a fantastic conversation piece. Or conversation ender, that depends.
It depends on how good you are at barrel rolls...
Yeah just be yourself. Make the most of it while you together, do the things you want to do. If it doesn't work out you can look back and think 'that was awesome, we had fun' and move on to the next girl. If it does work out, you can thank the gog community for great advice.
RightInPot: I think you just need to be there and enjoy it. Keep it simple, don't let your worries get you down. Change what you think may be better but don't force you to talk or be popular or whatever.

Love and laugh dude!
+1. "Power of positive thinking" and all that.

Don't force things to happen, but do concentrate your thoughts on the positive aspects of your relationship. "I love being with her, but I always worry that I'm not good enough for her and that she'll leave me." Nip it in the bud at the "but" part. See how much better it makes you feel when you leave it at "I love being with her."?
DoABarrelR0ll: snip
Wow, man. Sorry to say that, but if you seek for advice online, you're not mature enough for any woman above 15 years old.

You have to do what your heart tells you to. If you don't know what it is, flip a coin. While it's in the air, you will know what kind of result you're hoping for. (tested by me, works every time)

Ps. If you find a woman with who you don't think being silent is awkward, it means it's the woman for you.
Post edited December 19, 2011 by keeveek
DoABarrelR0ll: snip
keeveek: Wow, man. Sorry to say that, but if you seek for advice online, you're not mature enough for any woman above 15 years old.

You have to do what your heart tells you to. If you don't know what it is, flip a coin. While it's in the air, you will know what kind of result you're hoping for. (tested by me, works every time)

Ps. If you find a woman with who you don't think being silent is awkward, it means it's the woman for you.
Come on, he said he's not good in social relationship, he may not have that kind of friend or people that are good at advices. Besides it's not a bad idea to seek for advices from people that are neutral because they don't know you.

And look at you, you gave him great advices already, he was right to ask here!

We GoGers are good counsels because we don't play CoD but Planescape Torment =)
Yeah, I didn't want just to tell him "be a man , bro" , wanted to give something more.

The worst thing is when two shy individuals meet. Both want to talk, but don't have enough courage to do so, and then awkward silcence comes. So talking and even asking a lot of question may not "unlock" that person. I was involved in that kind of relationship some time ago, and it was horrible. Because stereotypically, that;s the man's thing to do, to runa conversation. Women are likely to be passive.

This is a problem nobody can solve through internet.

And in Internet, people giving advice are feeling less responsible, or not responsible at all. It's risky, because it's more likely that you will hear bad advice from people who don't care about you and don't feel responsible for that advice.

This is mostly why I am "advising" him not to look for advice from strangers.

I didn't mean to be rude, so I'm sorry if I was.
Post edited December 19, 2011 by keeveek
Lots of decent advice here, but telling someone to change is easier said than done.

In the end, if you feel you have to change to be with a girl, you're already in a relationship doomed to fail. The one major mistake people often make, is thinking that changing to please the other is the right way to go about things. It's NOT! You won't be happy if you feel you always have to be different, act different, etc. when around her.

A good healthy relationship comes from being yourself and being comfortable with that, and the same for your partner. Don't let ANYONE tell you differently. I'm not talking about mannerisms of course, or bad habits like smoking. I'm talking about personality - how you act, what you say, etc.

My best friend had a long term girlfriend who wanted him to be someone he wasn't and the poor guy actually tried that. He ditched his "good-for-nothing" (according to her) friends and instead became friends with her friends. During weekends he'd go to her hangout places, watch the movies she wanted, etc. He was crazy about her and it worked for about a year. And then suddenly, when the magic started to wear off, it all fell apart. She got on his nerves, he was sick of her bossing him around and while he used to worship the ground she walked on, he now started to loathe her for making him give up his friends and hobbies. Not surprisingly, they split up in a nasty way. So take that as a good life lesson: NEVER make a girl change who you are. If she can't love you for who you are, she's not worth it, no matter how pretty or special she is.

You learn all of this from failed relationships - there's no point in being together if you know you're not what she really wants and visa versa. Being cute, being hot, etc. - those will all stop being important after a while.
Post edited December 19, 2011 by Red_Avatar
FraterPerdurabo: If you think that she's too good for you, she probably is. And if you're afraid that she'll leave you, she probably will.

That line is probably the absolute best advice anyone will post.

My thesis for my BA Communications (Human Relations stream) was a male identity audio book and I can honestly say FraterPerdurabo's advice is solid.

Things you can look into - doing the exercise of the Other. It's too long to post but the short of it is grab a piece of paper and write who you think the ideal male is then write honestly about your traits both good and bad. Look at the differences and then figure out a way (baby steps) in becoming that ideal male you wrote about.

[Edit] Hit Post too fast, meant to add the dating 21 questions or 1001 conversation starters are two good books you should also look into. Just as a general line, adding why to any question makes people think about their answer and can push conversation and people will usually reciprocate (and make sure you've thought about your own answer).
Turn judgement into curiosity and always present stuff you do as interesting -even when it's not. "Man I was sitting for the bus yesterday and the XXXXX thing happened. I saw YYYYYY have you ever seen that before? I was ZZZZZZ." -bones to a canned (practiced) story that you can alter to whatever makes sense to you. FYI, make sure you change the blanks to something you can say in POLITE society since I know GOG'GERS are gonna have fun with that mad lib.
Post edited December 19, 2011 by chaosbeast
I'm 17 years old, a major socially inept geek, and I've been together with my girlfriend for 4 years. Just be yourself and do what you can to see her. If she is worth keeping, she is worth the time finding a solution.

That makes no sense does it...
keeveek: Yeah, I didn't want just to tell him "be a man , bro" , wanted to give something more.
OP: be a man, bro, and PIITB
You need to work on your self confidence before you will be able to have a committed relationship without drama or stress.
StingingVelvet: You need to work on your self confidence before you will be able to have a committed relationship without drama or stress.
Easiest way to get self confidence is to go through a few relationships until you realize breaking up isn't the end of the world. Of course if this one works out then that advice is moot.