FraterPerdurabo: If you think that she's too good for you, she probably is. And if you're afraid that she'll leave you, she probably will.
That line is probably the absolute best advice anyone will post.
My thesis for my BA Communications (Human Relations stream) was a male identity audio book and I can honestly say FraterPerdurabo's advice is solid.
Things you can look into - doing the exercise of the Other. It's too long to post but the short of it is grab a piece of paper and write who you think the ideal male is then write honestly about your traits both good and bad. Look at the differences and then figure out a way (baby steps) in becoming that ideal male you wrote about.
[Edit] Hit Post too fast, meant to add the dating 21 questions or 1001 conversation starters are two good books you should also look into. Just as a general line, adding why to any question makes people think about their answer and can push conversation and people will usually reciprocate (and make sure you've thought about your own answer).
Turn judgement into curiosity and always present stuff you do as interesting -even when it's not. "Man I was sitting for the bus yesterday and the XXXXX thing happened. I saw YYYYYY have you ever seen that before? I was ZZZZZZ." -bones to a canned (practiced) story that you can alter to whatever makes sense to you. FYI, make sure you change the blanks to something you can say in POLITE society since I know GOG'GERS are gonna have fun with that mad lib.