lotr-sam0711: I don't think they are in any way obliged to make a PC version.
They can do whatever they want and if you want to play the game you can get a 360. Sure, I'd love to see a good looking game come to the PC, but I'm not gonna get all in a huffy because some developer decides to focus their efforts on making a damn good game for one platform.
Please note that my comment is about the "platform-exclusive" mentality in general and doesn't refer to the particular piece of software being discussed in this thread, but... this sort of idea doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me. On the one hand, I can understand the thinking. Secure a popular intellectual property. Secure a popular franchise with the understanding that people who want to play games built off that franchise will then fork over the cash to purchase the hardware require to play those games.
Problem is, it doesn't always track. Just as an example, I have kinda always wanted to play the Halo games. They seem like fun, and the backstory/setting seems interesting to me. But I can't really afford to purchase two video game consoles, and when I made my purchase, the PS3 was simply the better option for my needs. Because of this, I simply haven't played any of the Halo games except the first which received a PC port. (The second received a port as well, but requires Vista and I run XP and have no intention of switching over.)
Again, the intent would be that I would buy an X-box or upgrade my computer's OS to play these games? Far from it. Instead, I have simply avoided the franchise, depriving myself of enjoying these games, and Bungie of my gaming dollar. A poor solution for them and me.
Now, yes, I'm aware that it would cost considerable resources to create a version capable of running on yet another platform, but I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation... i.e. someone who'd be willing to play the game if only it were on a platform that the had access to. The idea of not supporting different platforms because of arbitrary exclusivity agreements so far seems to do more harm than good. I've seen it happen with too many games, and it just makes no sense. Why does the PS3 version of Fallout 3 not get DLC, while the Windows and X-Box versions do? Why does only the X-Box version of GTA4 get the expansion pack and none of the other versions do? Am I seriously supposed to fork over the money to buy an X-Box just because I want to play the expansion for Grand Theft Auto IV? I hardly think that's an acceptable solution.