Posted February 27, 2014
The main consoles Gamecube, Wii, PS3, XBOX 360 all have excellent, affordable versions. The same version that is coming to Steam today.
I know the Wii version came second and gave motion controls. That one apparently was a lot of fun. The HD versions released in the Resident Evil anthology on PS3/360 seemed to be a bit visually superior with some tweaks but not enough for me to invest in it, as it was also sold separately on the PSN. My guess is the PC version is everything those PS3/360 ports are and a bit more, so maybe even the "definitive" edition.
The interesting part is this was the first Resident Evil I really got into, missing out on the classic survival horror versions beforehand. It's also been the one to be ported to the most systems and the first (classic) Resident Evil to come to PC, so excluding 5 and 6. If they're working backwards, maybe we can expect the originals officially released on PC, or at least the GameCube remake of the original or Resident Evil Zero.
It's definitely a great game and I wouldn't doubt it will be the best version, as long as they don't screw up on controls or programming.