Red_Avatar: Heh, I wrote an article on this thing on my blog as well - I don't get it, no matter how I look at it. Sure, you can hook up a keyboard and mouse but it looks silly and holding it makes you look like an idiot - who on earth will use that to go out with? PC gamers won't want it, casual gamers don't spend that kind of money on game-related stuff, and console gamers are allergic to gaming under Windows.
Hipsters will possibly buy it, as well as those who just HAVE to have the latest of everything......and there's also gaming oddity museums.
EC-: LOL I always see the Razer stuff and I wonder, "who does this really appeal to?" I imagine that they have a small, niche audience for a lot of their out-there tech, but I imagine they stay in business thanks to their mice and keyboards.
That one mouse with the 12 thumb buttons is probably pretty nice for MMOs.
12 thumb buttons? What if you slip and hit the wrong one(seeing as they are likely very close to each other) all the time?