Hawk52: I bought Witcher 1 from D2D a year or two ago. I was just thinking of "redeeming" it on GOG since that feature has been added. But there's a problem. I can't find my D2D purchase history on Gamefly's site, and I can't find any order details in my email for any of my D2D purchases.
Are these just
gone now? Or is there a section on the Gamefly site I'm missing?
Did you migrate your account properly via the link they sent to previous customers? I have most of my purchase history available in GameFly after the transition, though some games are not yet available [which, honestly, pisses me off and is a huge example of the detriments of digital purchases :/]. I did not check to see if TW 1 was one of the games not available yet, I will in a little bit and get back to you.
Also, be aware that there may be an issue redeeming your key anyway - you might have to go through the purchase verification routine [on the witcher site] in order to get a new GoG compatible key [I have to apparently, the redeem function won't accept my old D2D key].