MaximumBunny: The best model in my opinion is if comes with dlcs to charge users less per owned item. Meaning if you have all of it the update is free, and if you have some of it the difference is the price of what you were missing. In this case if he said it was going to be free and then charged for it, it was because not everyone owns the dlc and he didn't want to give it away. Not that it added anything significant anyway, and not saying it's justifiable to go back on something if you said you were going to do it.
Protoss: Why does every director nowadays get cut? If they want cut versions, they should come to Germany!
MaximumBunny: It's a way to sell a game as GOTY when it wasn't the GOTY.
I know, was just making the obvious joke. The other one would be that the director probably is jewish. (I have many jewish friends, this is not supposed to be racist!)
But I agree, such things should be for free or at least cheap for original owners.