monkeydelarge: True but I meant monkeys, chimps and gorillas have conquered the Earth. :)
Thespian*: I do know, but I couldn't help myself. ;)
monkeydelarge: The second insects become as big as humans, we are f*cked...
Thespian*: That's unlikely. There's a physics law (
The Square-Cube Law) which precludes it. ;)
Gonna quote the relevant paragraph, for those of you with TL;DR syndrome:
"If the leg becomes ten times thicker, its cross-sectional area becomes something like 100 times larger. At the same time though, its weight becomes something like 1,000 times greater. If you keep doing this, at some point, long before the ant is large enough to take over even a small town, much less the world, it will collapse under its own weight"
IAmSinistar: Even more disturbing,
WE are the bacteria's world. The human body contains many more bacteria cells than human cells. They also account for around 5 pounds of your adult body mass.
Thespian*: Indeed, we've got a symbiotic relation with many kind of bacteria. Without some of them working in our insides, Mankind would become extinct in no time.
So in the future, when we can travel through space, it would be very foolish to land on low gravity planets with life?