GameRager: I'm guessing you might mean me.....well if you are then sorry but I said what I felt I had to say. I try not to step on many toes here if possible and reword some things so as not to offend too much, but a man can be expected to walk on glass only so much before getting cut & shouting out a stream of obscenities(figuratively speaking of course).
Hey don't get me wrong. You have every right to say what you want on the matter, and if you feel that way feel free to do it ^^ It's just that in MMO forums especially it's not uncommon to see perfectly valid, yet unpopular, arguments get buried by people who start to slander the person making the argument, and completely skipping the argument as a result. But like I said, it's fine for you to do it. But I have the right to point it out ^^
GameRager: BTW I was only being half serious, and don't think I was being TOO insulting. I admit the paidsteamshill line is a bit crude though, but also please take note that I didn't outright claim he was one or state such, just that he MIGHT be one. Take of that what you will.
Now you're starting to sound like Glenn Beck... "I have a question. What is Fred actually doing here? He just keeps defending Steam and complaining about GOG. He appears to be a paidsteamshill. Or is he? Let's ask these questions!"
FiatLux: We are not talking about some freakin' MMO here , were talking about a company that reserves the right to close your complete account at their wims....
Excuse me? How is that different? WoW shuts down tomorrow. No more game. The game you bought.
Isn't that the point here? It's essentially the same thing, except you're not paying monthly for it. And yes, they also close accounts 'at their whims', except just like Steam, they practically never do unless there's a good reason to.
And no, just because I'm not !!!!!!'ing like you, does not mean it 'seems unable to sink in'. It just means that I know exactly what I'm dealing with, and it doesn't make me go all !!!!!!!!