pdedinski: The ultimate win scenario would be if they provided a GOG code as well :P
but it's not necessary since the standalone installer you get if you buy directly from the developers' website is identical with the GOG one. this has been stated by a developer in the official forum.
Lexor: Not for me - I don't care about Steam.
don't you get it? you also get the same DRM-free installer you'd get from GOG if you buy directly from the devs.
buy from Steam: only get Steam edition
buy from GOG: only get DRM-free edition
buy from devs: get both
Lexor: Because that's developer's wish? They still have some time to improve some last minute things.
but it's already gone gold. which means the version we'll get to download April 11 is the one finished two days ago. they're probably working on a patch until then, though.
i figure they aren't releasing the game right now because they want the distributors to have some time to set everything up. and to create some marketing buzz.
Aver: Yes, devs give you option to download client free installer but it won't be permanent option. I don't think that it will be hosted forever on their site. So you have to keep backup of installer for that case. If you have this game on GOG you don't have to worry about it, because you can always redownload DRM free version.
maybe so but the indie bundles are the same way, and you're still buying those, aren't you?
anyway, you get a DRM-free installer which you can back up, and you get a Steam edition which will be downloadable until the end of (your) time. if all else fails, you can pick up an additional DRM-free copy from GOG when the game goes on sale.