GameRager: Also I GET the emperor is needed to protect mankind from some sort of demon realm and all, but why can't they just find a similarly powerful psilon(etc) and train them to replace the bloody guy instead of keeping him alive for eons and sacrificing all those people to him?
Azarr: Because A: He is the God-Emperor of mankind. I don't think many would like to and B: There is no one as powerful as he is/was/something.
Also: It's psyker.
1: I don't thionk out of trillions opf people no one can step up to the challenge. Heck why not just clone him and off the original and put his brian in a new body?
2: I'm surprised no one in the higher ups take his job and off the poor sod.
3: Even with the GOD-emperor the chaos realm still seeps into reality anyways so he's not at full efficiency anymore and he'll probably lose eventually.
4. Lol psyker, cylon.....what's the difference?