Yeah, to some extent, you could probably compare this to Joe's infamous Spike VGA "interview" with Geoff Keighley, in that Joe was once again going out of his way to play the part of the self-styled crusader for gaming consumers, and ended up with something he may not have fully expected. I think the difference here is that Joe got clearly blindsided by Keighley, where as here he got tripped up by Microsoft's PR crew.
stika: To be honest I felt both were equally unprofessional and douchey
langurmonkey: Joe was being douchey? How?
A lot of people don't like Joe frequent leanings towards over-the-top emotional outbursts (which is odd, since he is "Angry Joe", after all), but Joe's never made any pretense to try to be professional; as he often points out, he's just a guy who creates gaming videos on YouTube. I never quite understand it myself; with his Keighley interview, I've read comments where people's perceptions of Joe being "unprofessional" somehow excuses Keighley for being an absolute asshole.
Azilut: According to other comments Joe has made, it wasn't Major Nelson who cut the interview - it was his PR handlers offstage...Without weighing into the "who owned who" debate, I'll just say kudos to Joe for at least managing to get those questions asked, and I hope this little stunt doesn't get him blacklisted.
I like Joe, if only for the entertainment value of seeing him get ticked off by a game like Battleship or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He has good intentions in mind, but his "unprofessionalism" and "douchiness" is part of his gimmick, much like the jaded contrarianism people see in TotalBiscuit or the hyperbolic crassness of Yahtzee Croshaw.
Still, I kind of don't understand his naivete sometimes. Like with his trip to the VGAs, he really should have seen this coming. How could you think about going up to someone like that, and ask the questions you did, and
not expect to get cut off like that?