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orcishgamer: Really, it's just time to quit uncomfortably looking the other way and it would help if all we had as tools wasn't just yelling into the mic. As said in the EC episode, MS and the rest already know exactly how often you get muted and by whom, is it too much to ask that this gargantuan amount of data gets put to a use beyond selling us more stuff?
Pretty much, this stuff isn't rocket science and from personal experience, minorities will generally explain why such things are offensive to anybody that expresses and honest interest in why something is wrong. True, sometimes it's BS, but typically speaking there's something to it.

The biggest problem is that people tend to underestimate how much more something hurts with repetition. Even things which wouldn't have hurt me the first dozen or so times I've heard them, do eventually become quite hurtful, and it's not a matter of growing a pair, AC/DC wrote a song about my pair, it's about why such things are allowed to be said without any reason.

Ultimately, shunning is the most effective way of dealing with these problems.
orcishgamer: It's gone beyond demanding that whatever harassed group "grow some balls", most of them already have big brass ones to chat on voice anyway, or give away their gender in whatever fashion. Also, it's not just thirteen year old boys that game, it's thirteen year old girls (and younger, of both genders), I don't really think we have the right to tell a 10 year old "grow some balls" over some of the stuff that gets said online; and it gets said very frequently.
Yeah, I thought someone might object to my wording there. I was trying to explain why I am torn over the issue, I apologize for any offense.

Seriously, I think it is a problem, I am just not sure that I want someone (whether government or corporate) trying to regulate behavior. In my experience, whenever such rules have been tried, some of the secondary effects are just as bad as the problem that was supposed to me solved.
kavazovangel: What theee....
Long story. This is neither the time nor the place. Suffice it to say: we had a history and nobody was completely blameless.
Post edited April 27, 2012 by Krypsyn
hedwards: The social norms do depend upon where you're living and how your raised. I was doing a lesson today where people had to choose which person wouldn't be saved and the only female in the scenario got tossed. The only explanation I got was that she's a woman. After trying to get a better one, I just removed her from the scenario and replaced her with a man.

It's one thing to deal with these situations online or in ones own culture, but trying to deal with them in somebody elses culture is kind of tricky. Especially since I'm not allowed to meddle in Chinese internal affairs.
I'm Chinese, and just want to say that not all of us are like that. In fact, nobody I know is that misogynistic.

Jerks are jerks no matter where you're from, the culture thing is sometimes just an excuse imo.
hedwards: The social norms do depend upon where you're living and how your raised. I was doing a lesson today where people had to choose which person wouldn't be saved and the only female in the scenario got tossed. The only explanation I got was that she's a woman. After trying to get a better one, I just removed her from the scenario and replaced her with a man.
Krypsyn: Yeah, I totally admit my bias in the matter. I grew up the South of the US... 'nuff said.
That aspect of Southern culture is a mixed bad as far as I can tell. It has good aspects and bad aspects, it's up to the individuals involved to have some sense about it.

It's one thing to deal with these situations online or in ones own culture, but trying to deal with them in somebody elses culture is kind of tricky. Especially since I'm not allowed to meddle in Chinese internal affairs.
Krypsyn: Your response was the right one, given the situation, but it is still sad. Reminds me of the story a year or s back of that Chinese couple that was having babies and selling them on the black market. When the women (not the man) was asks if she regretted it, she merely said that she regretted not having all boys to sell, since they were worth more money.
Honestly, it's an awkward situation to be in. Women definitely do come in second here and the girls in class didn't seem to object. But, by the same token, it wasn't right and I definitely didn't want to be seen as endorsing it either.

I wish there was a better response, but without being fluent in Chinese and fully versed in the cultural tradition that leads to it, I took the most productive point I could.

Back home, I'd say that women need absolutely no more protection than what's afforded to men. I remember a girl in my middle school trying to mug me and being very surprised that I was willing to hit her back. She had at least a year and 8 inches on me, I suppose she assumed that I was just going to accept that she was stealing my lunch money.
Krypsyn: If a woman attacks me (mugging counts) all bets are off for me. I am not going to go after a woman, but I am certainly going to defend myself. I have had a girl come at me with a kitchen knife before, and I didn't hesitate to disarm her, forcefully, with a frying pan (in was in a kitchen). When she ran off, I didn't give chase, but, dang, nobody pulls a knife on me... yeesh.
I took the most moderate approach to that I could, I did hit her, but it was literally two hits, I hit her and she hit the floor. I then took back my money and went along my merry way. It's not something that I particularly condone, but violence against men back home is a very serious issue that tends to get swept under the rug.

I've just seen too many open air beatings to tolerate or have much delusion that women are any less vicious or nasty than men are.

These days I'd console against such rash behavior because it's much more likely to wind up with the man being arrested than any sort of justice.
maycett: I'm Chinese, and just want to say that not all of us are like that. In fact, nobody I know is that misogynistic.

Jerks are jerks no matter where you're from, the culture thing is sometimes just an excuse imo.
And that's sort of the other thing there, I have a limited access to the culture there. I'm sorry, if my understanding is somewhat overstated or biased. I do see a fair amount of it, but without being fluent in Chinese I'm never sure how much of it I should believe.

But, it is there, and from experience the younger Chinese seem to be less beholden to the various -isms that their parents were. And I do have a genuine optimism for such things changing in years to come.
Post edited April 27, 2012 by hedwards
hedwards: And that's sort of the other thing there, I have a limited access to the culture there. I'm sorry, if my understanding is somewhat overstated or biased. I do see a fair amount of it, but without being fluent in Chinese I'm never sure how much of it I should believe.

But, it is there, and from experience the younger Chinese seem to be less beholden to the various -isms that their parents were. And I do have a genuine optimism for such things changing in years to come.
Most parents would rather have sons, but that's about the extent of it. I don't think the general population have a great hatred for women or anything.

If those people were serious, then they've got problems. Nothing to do with the culture.
Krypsyn: Yeah, I totally admit my bias in the matter. I grew up the South of the US... 'nuff said.
hedwards: That aspect of Southern culture is a mixed bad as far as I can tell. It has good aspects and bad aspects, it's up to the individuals involved to have some sense about it.
Agreed. There is, often, a sexist aspect to the Southern defense of women. It does cut both ways.

However, there is one truth I have found in the American South: A strong Southern women will DESTROY any man. She will rip a man to shreds and emasculate him with mere words. All with a smile on her face and pleasant tone of voice.

There is generally a mutual respect, from what I have found. There are some gender roles that are more accepted than others, this is undeniable, but everyone is respectful, on the whole.
hedwards: And that's sort of the other thing there, I have a limited access to the culture there. I'm sorry, if my understanding is somewhat overstated or biased. I do see a fair amount of it, but without being fluent in Chinese I'm never sure how much of it I should believe.

But, it is there, and from experience the younger Chinese seem to be less beholden to the various -isms that their parents were. And I do have a genuine optimism for such things changing in years to come.
maycett: Most parents would rather have sons, but that's about the extent of it. I don't think the general population have a great hatred for women or anything.

If those people were serious, then they've got problems. Nothing to do with the culture.
Well, to be fair, I'm not entirely sure that they were being serious. But, nonetheless, I wasn't about to sign off on it either. It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't serious, and that could be why there didn't seem to be any objection. But, who knows.

In general, I like Chinese culture, but there are things from time to time that I'm not really sure how to interpret.
First, thanks for linking to that episode; I'll have to remember to catch up on some of the episodes I've missed lately.

Second, I don't think that the suggestions were intended to be presented as a 100% effective panacea, and I'm sure that that wasn't their intention either; rather, they were aiming for systems which could conceivably be easily implemented on present platforms without a large amount of effort. Sure, there is room for potential abuse for these systems, but having some form of a well-thought out "anti-bullying" system is better than nothing, surely.

However, I think this is all just sidestepping the point. Whatever happened to parents, families and communities doing their fucking jobs and raising their children properly? Honestly, it makes me sad inside that we've ended up in a society where people can say God-awful things like that to each other and not only accept it, but even defend it.

I like to see how Aris Bakhtanians would feel if someone treated, say, his mother/sister/cousin/girlfriend the way he treated Miranda Pakozdi and then turned around and defend it as "just being part of our culture". Unbelievable.
Post edited April 27, 2012 by rampancy
Servers over the peer to peer bullshit. Servers encourage community participation and banding together. When you get dicks and trolls crashing the party they get lifetime bans, problem solved. The community comes together against the fools and everyone plays happier and tighter. If Microsoft would allow server hosting it wouldn't even be an issue there.
rampancy: However, I think this is all just sidestepping the point. Whatever happened to parents, families and communities doing their fucking jobs and raising their children properly? Honestly, it makes me sad inside that we've ended up in a society where people can say God-awful things like that to each other and not only accept it, but even defend it
EC-: Servers over the peer to peer bullshit. Servers encourage community participation and banding together. When you get dicks and trolls crashing the party they get lifetime bans, problem solved. The community comes together against the fools and everyone plays happier and tighter. If Microsoft would allow server hosting it wouldn't even be an issue there.
This might actually work. I have seen this scenario resolved in such a way several times in MMO guilds. In such cases, nobody remains anonymous for long, and thus they are more easily singled out and shunned/punished/whatever.
Post edited April 27, 2012 by Krypsyn
Imho, the best solution for this is dedicated servers with votebkick/voteban commands, I know that in some types of game this may not be possible but a lot more games should feature it. So whenever you hit a server with an unpleasant community you can always change to another one. Once you find a couple of good servers with people you enjoy playing with, you're basically all set.
I don't have too many insightful thoughts on this (in fact - I have trouble comprehending how people can be so pointlessly mean to others) but two things immediately sprung to my mind as related:
1* Blizzard's RealID fiasco was meant to be a measure in part aimed against harassment, trolling, etc.
2* Valve's "let's reward nice people" is approaching the issue from a different angle, actually promoting being nice
Rikus23: // Post removed by "bad grammar" A.I.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself ;-)
Vestin: I don't have too many insightful thoughts on this (in fact - I have trouble comprehending how people can be so pointlessly mean to others) but two things immediately sprung to my mind as related:
1* Blizzard's RealID fiasco was meant to be a measure in part aimed against harassment, trolling, etc.
2* Valve's "let's reward nice people" is approaching the issue from a different angle, actually promoting being nice
The problem with Real ID was that it greatly overstepped what they needed to do. I'm not really sure what precisely it would have solved as people have to buy from Blizzard in order to use Battlenet. They could easily have just walled off a portion for people that Blizzard is able to identify for people that care about it if it was that big of a deal. If it worked it would have been much easier to sell to everybody. But, that's a pretty big if, I'm not really sure that it would have done anything.

Ultimately, the mods need to know who people are for this to work, there's no reason why random players need to know. Which was why people rejected it. It would have told everybody who you are without any particular benefit.
hedwards: It would have told everybody who you are without any particular benefit.
I think the flaw and the benefit are one and the same - it creates a pervasive "panopticum" vibe, raised general anxiety level and thus - restricts antisocial behavior at least a little bit...