marcusmaximus: Did the expansion of NWN make it look better somehow? Because I find the old ugly 3d graphics of the original NWN to look much worse than Planescape: Torment which I still find to have beautiful art. (BUT I think PS:T is one of the most beautiful games, I don't care about resolution and I found the art style very interesting and I like how the character sprites were bigger than other games with the same engine.) Watching the ending of PS:T on youtube is pretty much pointless. The game was more about the journey than destination to me...
escapist23: I really like the NWN graphics, they aren't as good as DAO but they are nice and neat, certainly light years better than PST or Baldur's Gate II (too bad as I am intrigued by the latter game too).
I'm having difficulties comparing one to the other due to their completely different style. They're both old games and the graphics of both could be considered outdated by more recent standards or advanced compared to their predecessors. Some people think the Infinity Engine games including Torment look ugly, some think NWN looks ugly, but in the end it's all relative, and personally I appreciate both in their own way.
I will admit that after 2-3 years of playing NWN modules, I'm a bit tired of the default look, too, but I didn't mind it in the beginning (save for the in my eyes ugly tan armor colorings and the lack of choice in good-looking male heads maybe). Still, enhanced with all the hakpaks and overrides the community has to offer, I think it still looks nice enough (and certainly a lot better than e.g. Soulbringer or Darkstone etc). The slightly blocky graphics are also a concession to the game's 'moddability'. NWN is more dependent on imagination and creativity than a game like Torment, but I think both games would be and actually
are great regardless of their looks.