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Psyringe: I really think that 50 years from now, historians will view the period when reading well-written texts became something to be "tolerated" rather than "enjoyed", as a watershed for cultural decline. But that might be only me. ;)
evilguy12: I think the 'storytelling' in the game is pretty terrible. Reading long passages of text is not a particularly interesting way to communicate a story in a game.
well....what is, then? I agree about the fact that there's no 'gameplay', combat system etc in PST, but I have no problem with reading multi-choice texts. I still give credit to whoever made PST. Most games have a crap story or a story that's utter nonsense. Much as I loved Final Fantasy VII for the amazing battles, the sense of teamwork, the soundtrack etc, it's story was just a load of crap nonsense.

Back then, that's how most games worked....lots of text. It's still better than so many modern cheesy voice actors. I remember watching '300' and laughing. English isn't even my first language, and here I was, hearing monsters and warriors speaking with a California accent or something
I have two major gripes with the Infinity engine, at least in Baldur's Gate:

- Navigating indoors and in mazes is a PITA. My party members constantly get stuck to each others, can't pass other party members, start going the wrong way alone because another party member is blocking the narrow corridor, etc. In one case I was unable to exit a small room becaue a NPC was standing in front of the stairs, and it couldn't move from there because my party members were blocking her, and naturally I was able to move my party members to give room to her... argh!

Firewine Ruins (maze) was especially bad because of this.

Path Search Nodes is currently 4000, I am not sure if raising it would help.

- It is kinda silly how, when you are outdoors, buildings can usually have only two sides with doors in them. Also, in many cases it is quite hard to tell whether you should be able to go through a corridor between two adjacent houses, or is there something there blocking your way.

For this reason, I would have actually preferred they would have used an overhead view from the top, not isometric. Or make it clearer somehow.

Other than that, I don't recall major gripes. Even the pausable realtime combat system works pretty well, as long as you set up the parameters when it will pause automatically to your liking.
Post edited May 21, 2012 by timppu
Leroux: I'm more of a single player myself, but NWN is also great for multiplayer, if that interests you.
same here....I have actually never played MMPORG or whatever it's called :) I have always been a single player as well
marcusmaximus: Did the expansion of NWN make it look better somehow? Because I find the old ugly 3d graphics of the original NWN to look much worse than Planescape: Torment which I still find to have beautiful art. (BUT I think PS:T is one of the most beautiful games, I don't care about resolution and I found the art style very interesting and I like how the character sprites were bigger than other games with the same engine.) Watching the ending of PS:T on youtube is pretty much pointless. The game was more about the journey than destination to me...
escapist23: I really like the NWN graphics, they aren't as good as DAO but they are nice and neat, certainly light years better than PST or Baldur's Gate II (too bad as I am intrigued by the latter game too).
I'm having difficulties comparing one to the other due to their completely different style. They're both old games and the graphics of both could be considered outdated by more recent standards or advanced compared to their predecessors. Some people think the Infinity Engine games including Torment look ugly, some think NWN looks ugly, but in the end it's all relative, and personally I appreciate both in their own way.

I will admit that after 2-3 years of playing NWN modules, I'm a bit tired of the default look, too, but I didn't mind it in the beginning (save for the in my eyes ugly tan armor colorings and the lack of choice in good-looking male heads maybe). Still, enhanced with all the hakpaks and overrides the community has to offer, I think it still looks nice enough (and certainly a lot better than e.g. Soulbringer or Darkstone etc). The slightly blocky graphics are also a concession to the game's 'moddability'. NWN is more dependent on imagination and creativity than a game like Torment, but I think both games would be and actually are great regardless of their looks.
Yeah all the games you mentioned are great.....I do not doubt that at all. I am still keeping the saves of PST in case one day I'll continue the adventure. I might try the graphics mode that people here mentioned
escapist23: Yeah all the games you mentioned are great.....I do not doubt that at all. I am still keeping the saves of PST in case one day I'll continue the adventure. I might try the graphics mode that people here mentioned
That won't work. The story is way to complex to be brought back from old saves. A lot of the appeal of the game is the closely knit story.
so you are basically saying that you know how good or bad my memory is.

I'll probably forget who I am and I'll wake up on a slab in a zombie lab.
Psyringe: Text is a much better medium for transporting thoughts and impressions than graphics are.


It's pretty saddening to see someone stating that "reading long passages isn't a particularly interesting way to communicate a story in a game", as if that was some absolute truth. But it underlines my point very well ... unfortunately.
I agree with much of your sentiment on text and the culture decline bit, but I find the above statements contradictory and slightly hypocritical in nature, and I also completely disagree with text being a "much better medium for transporting thoughts and impressions" than visuals. That's taking things way too far.
escapist23: I really like the NWN graphics, they aren't as good as DAO but they are nice and neat, certainly light years better than PST or Baldur's Gate II (too bad as I am intrigued by the latter game too).
Leroux: I'm having difficulties comparing one to the other due to their completely different style. They're both old games and the graphics of both could be considered outdated by more recent standards or advanced compared to their predecessors. Some people think the Infinity Engine games including Torment look ugly, some think NWN looks ugly, but in the end it's all relative, and personally I appreciate both in their own way.

I will admit that after 2-3 years of playing NWN modules, I'm a bit tired of the default look, too, but I didn't mind it in the beginning (save for the in my eyes ugly tan armor colorings and the lack of choice in good-looking male heads maybe). Still, enhanced with all the hakpaks and overrides the community has to offer, I think it still looks nice enough (and certainly a lot better than e.g. Soulbringer or Darkstone etc). The slightly blocky graphics are also a concession to the game's 'moddability'. NWN is more dependent on imagination and creativity than a game like Torment, but I think both games would be and actually are great regardless of their looks.
what do you think of Darkness over Daggerford ? I have checked it out a bit today, seems pretty good to me.

This game is freaking huge. It really seem to be all the RPG i'll ever need. Love it, man
I've looked at Darkness over Daggerfurd before, but haven't started playing it (got distracted by Legend of Grimrock and World of Goo).

I like NWN a lot too, but it's not the most open CRPG I've played (Morrowind takes that prize). I like the game well enough so far, although the main campaign is starting to wear on me. It's definitely not the same level of enjoyment as World of Goo, where I want to replay it often.
PhoenixWright: I agree with much of your sentiment on text and the culture decline bit, but I find the above statements contradictory and slightly hypocritical in nature, and I also completely disagree with text being a "much better medium for transporting thoughts and impressions" than visuals. That's taking things way too far.
So eh... What is the better medium, exactly? When description of pretty much anything is good, you can relate far better than when seeing an artistic depiction of what he things emotion should look like.
escapist23: what do you think of Darkness over Daggerford ? I have checked it out a bit today, seems pretty good to me.
It's a pretty good module, very reminiscent of the first Baldur's Gate. I only seem to remember that the endgame section came across as somewhat rushed and lackluster. Still, it's one of the better community modules for NWN.
Fenixp: So eh... What is the better medium, exactly? When description of pretty much anything is good, you can relate far better than when seeing an artistic depiction of what he things emotion should look like.
I think that is a leading question, because as an artist you are responsible for picking the correct medium for what you are trying to convey, and how you want to convey it. Text is an artistic depiction same as any other medium.
Hgiles, I played Morrowind a few hours ,years ago, I found it really boring and aimless after a while...

world of Goo ? ah ah
escapist23: what do you think of Darkness over Daggerford ? I have checked it out a bit today, seems pretty good to me.
Nergal01: It's a pretty good module, very reminiscent of the first Baldur's Gate. I only seem to remember that the endgame section came across as somewhat rushed and lackluster. Still, it's one of the better community modules for NWN.
excellent, I'll definitely stick with this module, then. I was really getting into HoTU but it's too difficult for me as of yet, as I am not very familiar with all these spells.....I was getting killed in no time. HoTU really seemed a well made adventure, though.

Brilliant game, this one's definitely got me hooked
Post edited May 21, 2012 by escapist23
That's kind of like debating if books or films are the superior medium.