Ok, I just woke up. And now I feel like I did a hit and run, leaving other people to hold my point for me. I intended mainly to know if I was "the only idiot who pays for stuff you already got", in my friend's words, but I knew the chances for an argument were big and I should have started the topic in the morning so I could give people a fair answer. I can't do that anymore, I have work, but I'll respond to the main points I've read.
Zolgar: not a "Well, I played it for 25 hours and beat it.. so.. I'll buy it when it goes on sale on Steam for $5 so I didn't really pirate it." (If a game you spent 25 hours on is only worth $5 to you, then you have a more skewed sense of game value than I do.)
The matter of "if you beat it and then wait for a sale, not cool". Personally, my own scale goes like this: A game is usually worth 20-30€ to me. That's for a game that keeps me interested enough to bother beating, for example Hitman absolution or Max Payne 3. However, some games I feel they are awesome and make me thoroughly enjoy the experience of playing them, those I feel are worth 50-60€, a group that Warhammer 40k: DoW2 would exemplify. For me, 5 hours is enough time to know if I'll finish the game or not, but usually not enough to tell if the game is awesome enough to pay for full price.
Then there are game I try and just give up on (Lucius comes to mind), those I either don't buy or maybe I'll give them another try when they are extremely cheap. Space Marine for instance I abandoned when I tried the pirate version, but I bought and beat it when I found it for 5€ on a steam sale. Games like the newest Brothers in arms that didn't run properly on my old PC as the specs were low and only recently I got on steam and am currently happily playing. Last scenario would be Anno 2070, which was recommended by a friend and I wanted to test out, however after 15 minutes I didn't get the pirate version running. Well, then I may be missing a wonderfull game, but I'm not buying it blind. I'll have a look at it again once it hits 10€.
StingingVelvet: Support the industry as much as you are able and I have no issue with you.
That includes as many week one full price payments for your favorite games as you can fit into your budget.
orcishgamer: FTFY
This ties in nicely to the point Orcishgamer and StingingVelvet were making: the full price support of my favorite games. The question that arises for me is, how do I know it's a favorite of mine if I haven't played it yet? If I don't pirate the game at the beginning, and so get the chance to check it out, I would never know if the game was good enough to pay full price for until it was not sold at full price anymore. This happened with Mark of the ninja, I think it was awesome but didn't discover it until I tried it on sale. Had I tried the pirate version earlier, I would have paid full price for it.
Coelocanth: So I wait for reviews and info to see if it's something that's worth my time and money. And by then, the price has usually dropped as well. Win/win.
That implies I'm not giving them any chance to buy it at full price. I'm never on a hurry to play any game, as most other people here I have quite the backlog. But in some cases, I do want to give them the chance to blow my mind and make me pay full price. Hell, I'd love if all games made me enjoy them so much that I want to pay them 50€! I know it's not going to happen, but I don't to outright declare that none is worth it either. I've even preordered some game when the circumstances allowed it, but doesn't happen often. Besides, instead reading reviews and comments around the internet, I much rather spend that time actually playing the game and making my own opinion.
You guys need to understand, despite my being here on the forum, I'm not an internet person. I've been learning quite a bit from links and comments of the people here, but usually I don't follow gaming news online. I don't really follow up with game development, not even of my favoriite franchises. The things I do know, it's either because a friend who loves it told me or I just read it here, and I've been on the forum only for a couple of months or so. By this, I mean I'm not the kind of person that waits for a new game to get it on day 1. I'm the kind of person who one day opens a store or piratebay and says "look at that, Deus Ex 3/Starcraft II came out!". I used those examples because they are true, they are franchises I like and they could have been out for months before I knew they were there.
Magnitus: If the game has DRM, I wait until it is DRM-free or never get it if it doesn't
My approach to the subject is, I'll still buy it but you need to compensate for it. A game on GOG (say, Omerta) will have less trouble convincing me to buy it than a DRM heavy game somewhere else. Which means I'll still buy it if it is awesome enough.
Anyway, I think I replied to the main points here. I'm not going into the piracy is stealing yes/no argument, I have my hands full with my own stuff right now. I would like to clarify that, in the particular case of DMC, I'm more tempted to pirate now despite my low hopes because now I'm at my house (where I have a controler) while next month I probably won't be (therefore not having a controler, and I expect that means not being able to play). Essentially, if I don't play it now, or within the next 4 months or so, I may not play it in years. But whatever, I don't expect to convince anyone nor do I intend to be convinced myself, we are all deeply entrenched on our opinions. I just wanted to see if I was alone on my ways and it appears I really am quite the oddball after all.