PWFredricksonIII: The problem with a political protest, is that you have to make sure enough people agree with you to make the change if you really want the change. Visa and Mastercard are international enough to cover everyone and their interests (aka...disagree).
Well put! That's exactly my point, if the business of international payments was a level playing field, I could choose now to use another provider. However, because of this triopoly, I can't. Kind of like having only Steam, so new games with DRM, when what you really want is these good oldies, without DRM.
Smannesman: Really, if you want to do business on a global level you can't expect everybody to bow to your needs and support every transaction system (of which there are dozens per country).
That's my opinion anyway.
As stated before, I respect other's opinions :)
And besides, you are totally right, you shouldn't go out of your way to support every transaction system out there. But more than the current three are a need. Free market is never gonna happen if you don't support it.
Navagon: Well, the Humble Indie Bundle has Amazon Payments and Google Checkout listed as payment options. I don't know why those wouldn't be options for GOG too.
Thanks for the suggestions!
chupacabra: With my bank, within Europe it's free of charge.
AndrewC: It's free for you, the one receiving the money also pays a fee. Also, most transactions can take up to two weeks and can be canceled at any time by either of the party without prior notice and the other one can't do anything about it without it involving more money.
As for the other options, have you looked at the seller account fees? Yeah, they're way higher than PayPal and less flexible on the back-end and with fewer guarantees.
Those are concerns indeed, thanks.
As far as I know, cancellation is also possible with Paypal. I guess there's always some sort of tradeoff between consumer protection and seller protection.
As for fees, I have little information about them, but if it means that I should pay more if I want to use non-standard options, that's fine with me. I'd happily support a freer market, just as I happily support DRM-free games and innovative businesses (like GOG).
DelusionsBeta: Ultimately, I'd wager that 99% of all transactions on the Internet are covered by Paypal, Visa or Mastercard.
Exactly my point. So why do I have the feeling you disagree with me?