Aaron86: I think a case can be made for just getting rid of reviews entirely.
They do have a report spam button which if one implemented a minimum word count and someone repeated suXors a 100 times, one could justify using it. Under the current system, I think GOG is unwilling to use it against stupid, pointless reviews that say a single sentence of either simply "Do Not Buy" or "Awesome get it" probably because the people in question would cry censorship. That it's censorship against stupidity rather than a bias for/against a game would fall on deaf ears.
Aaron86: At the very least, have YouTube-style Like/Dislike buttons.
They do have was this review helpful yes/no - essentially the same thing, but the ordering of reviews can be wonky in the beginning as I presume GOG doesn't want all reviews to disappear quickly in order people to get a chance to vote on them. but in these instances it's left truly pointless reviews on top. :/
Aaron86: Plus, the catalog pages need links to their respective forums. If people want to know if the game's worth getting, they can read the game's subforum.
That would be helpful, I agree, and is an oft-requested feature.