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ShadowWulfe: I guess I'll keep my eye on this. Hopefully they make the stretch goal, though wonder how it would work for keeping the same voices.
I seriously hope they just rip the audio for the voice-work from Outcast and re-use it. There's no point redoing it as the voice-acting in original Outcast was top-knotch and professional.
It would be a waste of backer's money to redo something so set in stone. Hopefully they release whatever it is that they're going to do at some point.
They've garnered about $80,000 in roughly 24 hours of watching the funding, so they could very well make goal. That's provided the lion's share of the funding doesn't come in the first few days. Anyone seen a graph of the typical funding curve for such things?
IAmSinistar: They've garnered about $80,000 in roughly 24 hours of watching the funding, so they could very well make goal. That's provided the lion's share of the funding doesn't come in the first few days. Anyone seen a graph of the typical funding curve for such things?
These things are no sure science, but most Kickstarter projects usually get their largest fund injections during the first and last couple of days. I backed two successful projects (a book and a film) and one failed one (a video game), and from little experience I have with KS, this particular start for Outcast HD doesn't bode well for them. It all depends on a multitude of factors and hypothesis, but, despite the critical acclaim Outcast has, its fan base is very small, at least not big enough to fund $600,000 of an HD remake -- not even a sequel, just an HD remake with some minor extra content. Despite that the people who worked on Fighter Within are mainly artists and a composer, it doesn't change the fact that said game is utter crap and they worked on it (yes, the game is mainly atrocious on the account of being a very bad Kinect experience, but I never heard any good things about the art style or the music of it, also), and being associated with such a bad game, no matter your role in it, does more harm than good. These things matter a lot, in a Kickstarter project.

Also, their page could very much use a design upgrade, come on, these guys are supposed to be working on a freaking video game, one would expect them to at least know a bit more about basic design, especially with the amount of artists -- yes, those awesome artists for Fighter Within! -- they have on board. It doesn't help that their comments section is little more than a "Facebook buying Oculus Rift" discussion, either. The presentation video is depressing as hell, and, let's just face it, what little they showed in terms of what they have made in the prototype doesn't look that good... at least the original had the voxel charm going for it, the HD prototype screens look like plastic versions, all shiny and rigid, with no sense of scale whatsoever. Oh, and DX11 support should be a basic thing, not a stretch goal.

I like Outcast. Really. Not my favorite game ever, not even close, actually, but I enjoy it, it's a good game, I don't love it, I'm not a die-hard fanatic, but I think it's a great title. Now, I fail to see the need of an HD remake, when you already have an awesome game available to purchase digitally and become known by newcomers.

The way I see it, unless they change a whole lot of things in their approach to this, they're not going to get funded at all. Maybe I'm wrong. Let's hope so.
groze: snip
Thanks for the analysis, it's very useful, even if also somewhat what I feared. That being said, not getting a remake is hardly the worst fate a game can suffer. As a longtime fan of Outcast, I would like to see more from that universe, but would be just as happy with a sequel somewhere down the line.
IAmSinistar: They've garnered about $80,000 in roughly 24 hours of watching the funding, so they could very well make goal. That's provided the lion's share of the funding doesn't come in the first few days. Anyone seen a graph of the typical funding curve for such things?
If you're interested in following how its funding progresses, along with some trending regarding the final amount, you can keep an eye on it here.

Kicktraq is a very good tool on following funding trends of Kickstarter projects and Adam's doing a swell job of maintaining and updating the system, he's also open to suggestion for improvements and new features. He's also developed browser addons which you can find here.

Finally, there's also a related userscript here.
HypersomniacLive: If you're interested in following how its funding progresses, along with some trending regarding the final amount, you can keep an eye on it here.
Thanks, that's the kind of thing I was hoping was out there. I figured someone had to be doing fiscal tracking and projection with all this data. That's a nice informative encapsulation.
On a more positive note, they just reached $100K.
Oh yes! Thanks for bringing this to people's attentions. :D
There's now a FAQ up.
ShadowWulfe: I guess I'll keep my eye on this. Hopefully they make the stretch goal, though wonder how it would work for keeping the same voices.
Crosmando: I seriously hope they just rip the audio for the voice-work from Outcast and re-use it. There's no point redoing it as the voice-acting in original Outcast was top-knotch and professional.
I'm at least hoping they go back and use loseless versions of all their assets. Hopefully they kept uncompressed audio files for later use and aren't just ripping their audio assets from the final game code. That'd be a shame considering the wonderful audio I remember from playing part of this game last year.
VanishedOne: There's now a FAQ up.
Man, that's FAQ'd up. ;)

Seriously, good to see the soundtrack included now at a lower level and that they are using the original voices. And hurrah for confirming DRM-free again.
Well, it's been confirmed their re-using the original voices, scroll down to the bottom of the page at the FAQ and click "Will the game be voiced in my local language ?":

As we are keeping the original voices, it will still be available in the following audio versions:
. English
. German
. French

While the following subtitles will also be available:
. Spanish
. Italian
. Dutch
. Portuguese

If there is demand, we’ll see what we can do to include more languages in the subtitles. If that happens, we’ll make an announcement in due time.
Post edited April 08, 2014 by Crosmando
They've passed the one-fifth mark towards the goal now.

EDIT: Corrected my dodgy math. ;)
Post edited April 09, 2014 by IAmSinistar
IAmSinistar: They've passed the one-fifth mark towards the goal now.

EDIT: Corrected my dodgy math. ;)
Lol, yeah you said a quarter before so I expected them to have reached 150K but imagine my shock (not really) when I opened the link and it was at 125K. Well in any case I do hope they reach their goal because I did not get to play Outcast yet and I would love to play the HD remake because the game is so highly regarded. :)
Post edited April 10, 2014 by stg83