Gonchi: I don't hate Mr. Affleck. I don't know him as a person, and he may be the nicest guy around. I don't dislike him as a person. However, after what he did with Daredevil, the idea of him playing my favorite comics character of all time is distressing.
(this quote is from the other thread)
I thought the performance was quite okay. But then again, I'm not familiar with the Daredevil comics, so I might have no idea how he was *supposed* to be.
Stevedog13: I'm going to make a very unpopular comment here.
I thought Ben Afflek was better as Daredevil than Heath Ledger was as the Joker.
Now let me explain, Heath Ledger was a great villian in the movie. His expressions and manerisims really sold me on just how twisted and dark the character was. Ledger, being the great actor he was, gave an absolutley stellar performance. But I never felt like I was seeing the Joker. The Joker is the Clown Prince of Crime and the arch foil of the Worlds Greatest Detective. He is not a simple anarchist who lick his lips constantly. As for Daredevil, well he is blind right? That means that he doesn't know what a facial expression is supposed to look like. Which is why you need an incredibly wooden actor to play him, enter Ben Afflek.
Still, I wouldn't go this far :D And concerning the facial expressions, look back at what keeveek said.