Phasmid: The authorisation problem is easy to fix, it's just an xml flag that does not get set.
Official EA fix instructions. It's also present in DVD versions of DAO: UE, so it isn't really anything to do with Origin per se
Well, the Germans weren't making a fuss, a German was. A german who didn't know how to use the monitoring software he was using and somehow had his medical records in the programdata folder, which is a... very,
very odd place to have them. Mostly though, he confused something that
scans file names, in a few specific folders with something that
reads files. There's a world of difference, and literally hundreds of pieces of software- including steam, which said German was happily using- scan file names perfectly legitimately. Indeed, 'add a non steam game' and steam will merrily scan your
entire hard drive, not just selected folders.
It was FUD, basically.
Yeah, was something like that. Though I still think Origin modified their German terms and conditions :D