Ralackk: Yea they have, the Delta Force series has been doing it for many years now. Its not as hardcore as Operation Flashpoint one but if you play it like you would Call of Duty or Halo your not going to complete the first levels in those games.
Actually i think the RPS guy said OPF2 was what delta force might be now, if it hadn't started to suck.
From the point of view of modders, ARMA2 is way ahead, as you can create litterally insane numbers of things. Giant battles where you are controlling whole armies... all playing out dynamically and unscripted. But with OPF2 you are reportedly limited to 64 brushes (a tank with 4 crew being 5), so it seems to have a lot less ambition and potential.
It's a shame that it sounds like the SP is so linear (despite being set in an awesome open world)... but the MP seems well worth a shot.