Actually, you should (in my opinion) prosecute all but the safe ones. Back street abortions were the cause of many deaths of mothers as well as their unborn children back when it was illegal in Britain. It's not a practice you want to allow to creep back in.
keeveek: Yeah! Lock in jails people who don't fasten seatbelts in cars, workers without safety helmets on, mothers smoking near their children, etc etc.
Lock them all!
You might want to do some research as that's a pretty absurd characterization. Back alley abortions are extremely dangerous and can easily lead to death or serious injury to the mother. Typically these will use coat hangers or toxic chemicals to induce a still birth. Sometimes the mother will be beaten. I know that there are some natural herbs found around here that were historically used to induce abortion.
But, the point is that these are for the most part things which one could reasonably consider to be reckless endangerment. They're far more dangerous that the medical options that would otherwise be used.
It's ultimately really insulting to try and pass this off as some sort of absurd grab at liberty when it's really just a matter of common sense that people shouldn't be having such procedures done by people who have no relevant training.
Navagon: Is it just me or has Christianity in the US become more and more extremist since 9/11? It just seems like that stopped people from treating Christianity like a tradition and more like a fundamental part of their personality that is under threat. Of course that reads like a massive blanket statement. But I simply mean that in general there is a lot more religious extremism in the US since 9/11.
It's been like that for a lot longer than that. Definitely by the time of the Red Scare, but I think it was even earlier, I can't recall when precisely it was that we decided that it was OK to put "in god we trust" on our money. I think that was probably about the start of it.
But, the country has always had very strong religious convictions, it's just that for much of that time, it wasn't so focused on evil.