Krypsyn: Yeah, I have never really gotten the Pro-Life thing. I understand the agenda, however I just don't understand how they arrive at it. I'd just like to see the Biblical passage that states that life begins at conception, rather than at birth. If there isn't one, and it remains a gray area, then shouldn't God, or perhaps Christ, be the one to judge/forgive?
I have nothing against Christianity or those that practice it. However, I do get annoyed at folks that believe it is their duty to force Christian morality/dogma on others. If folks are truly heathens, then God will sort it out at Judgement; the only duty of a Christian, in the end, is their own, personal relationship with God.
I'm pro-life, but not for "Christian" reasons. Though even if I don't agree with them, I support a woman's right to get an abortion.
I do, however, find it incredibly wrong, the women who use it as a form of birth control. Just "Oops, I didn't want a kid yet.".
I also have a massive problem with all the double standards in the law. But I won't start ranting about that.