Klingbeil: and you would be absolutely wrong. this is an issue with the GOG community that needs to be addressed and a resolution created. don't like it or don't have a real solution? then click that "rate this post" button and move on.
Cormoran: The issue is yours alone, you don't like their review so you complain instead of just saying it's not helpful. There's no "community issue" here, that's just you making a mountain out of a molehill.
not at all. people that don't know what a review is supposed to be, are using it improperly and GOG needs to do something about the people that taint the ratings with "reviews" that should be support requests.
your issue with my post is yours and yours alone. don't like it? rate it and move on. i'm using the community forum for what it was made for. please feel free to ignore the thread unless you actually have something useful to add. no one is making you read it.
so far the best idea was from ShadowWulfe with a suggestion of a "No Rating" option. perhaps a new button with "can't get it to work with my OS" followed by a drop down menu to choose their OS, since the people that give 1 star reviews don't seem to understand what an actual review is for.