deamento: the think i don't like about crpgs (and ad&d games in particular) is that you almost always miss your attacks, the combat is only challenging when they gang up on you and even then you can just keep chugging potions until everyone's dead.
Missing a lot at low level is common for games that have levels. You may enjoy sequels where you start at a higher level. You may also focus on ingame things that improve you hit chances. That usually means strength/ dexterity/ accuracy, spells that increase chances, and races that boost these options. Unfortunately, it is part of the game design. Older CRPGs have a slower pace than those today, I think.
It may be that you prefer action RPGs, over pure RPGs.
***what i want to get from crpgs is a great narrative (something which there is with an abundance) and combat where i can kill an enemy before my combat log has enough missed attacks to fill a book with. ***
Would cheating your stats up or getting magic items to increase your hit rate help? Maybe adding NPCs or summons to get more attacks? Maybe use more spells which usually don't use hit rolls? Maybe playing a solo character, so that you can both bufff and level up faster?
***also i don't think i was born when those rpgs came out but i started playing these games because i've completed all rpgs that i wanted to play from this modern age (witcher, dragon age etc.) and i don't like any other genre.***
They might just be too old for you. Have you played Deus Ex, KOTOR, or Gothic? What about Vtm Bloodlines? These have great stories, and by using FPP, there's less time fanning your foes (though KOTOR still does somewhat).
Licurg: Slightly off-topic : You said in a previous post you like Dungeon Keeper? How about playing Sacrifice? It's just 2.99 right now.
*finger twitches looking for the spam button*
Just kidding. : )
I salute your dedication to a game you love so much. You may yet convince me to buy it.
Dea, there are websites online for gamers to meet, and some of them welcome new players. An important thing to know is that there are different editions of D&D, so learning either the latest one, or finding a group that will help you along with whatever edition they use will help you.
I had a link somewhere but I'd have to spend time looking for it. If you want me to though, I will.