swizzle66: I can give you Borderlands GOTY edition for the price of two 5.99 GOGs. I got gifted a copy and it turns out my computer cant run it.
Foxhack: ... Even my piece of crap computer can run Borderlands (at the lowest settings)! What hardware do you have?
It's a laptop with a 2.2 Ghz procecessor and a low-end graphics card. My friend has the exact same laptop and when I tried it on his comp, while it did run, everything was laggy.
swizzle66: I can give you Borderlands GOTY edition for the price of two 5.99 GOGs. I got gifted a copy and it turns out my computer cant run it.
Krypsyn: Yeah, I saw your other posts (at least, I am assuming those were yours without rechecking). If I don't buy the package, I may take you up on the offer. I am going to mull it over, so don't hold the game on my account (not that you needed my permission, but I figured I would give it anyway for good measure ;)).
Yeah, sure. So far, you're the only one who has even seemed remotely interested. I'm leaving for the weekend so I won't be keeping that thread up so chances no one will notice/care. If you don't see it and are still interested, PM me.