Fenixp: Guys, I'm engaged! Officially now! w00t
Wow! Excellent news! You're really a nice guy and deserve it!
Nothing on the level of engagement or such, but I've had a few positive things happen lately.
- I discovered Silent Hunter III. I had previously been playing Silent Hunter IV, and while it was great, the American campaigns always developed game-halting crashes that could not be avoided. It's an extreme annoyance to have a campaign that you've been working on for a week, go down the toilet. Oddly enough, the German campaigns of the add-on worked fine. (Likely due to updates.)
...but Silent Hunter III is like a breath of fresh air! Sure the graphics aren't as good, even with mods, but the atmosphere is incredible by comparison. Radio traffic, and so many other things just add to the great feeling like you're part of history. The Grey Wolves mod is fabulous. I haven't had this much fun in months.
So yes, bugs may have ruined one game for me, but I discovered a fine replacement to the game. (Which I already owned, but hadn't gotten around to playing much yet.)
- Also, I replaced my stock heat sink and fan with a liquid cooling/radiator solution, and no longer come close to over-heating in this hot attic. (The temperature often barely changes at all when running games.)
- I learned that my old CRT TV, which sits off to the side of my HDTV, can still pick up the local station. I've been without TV for ages, so it's a pleasant treat! Plus it lets me keep up on the local news.