keeveek: It was definitely more attractive than masturbation, and access to other sources of dopamine was limited, compared to today.
There is a reason why sexual problems get more and more common these days and occure earlier than any time before. Recent studies show, that internet porn may be the prime cause.
Believe it or not, I don't give a damn ;P Btw. this internet porn subject may seem to be offtopic or irrelevant, but it's connected.
You forget the fact that people are simply more open nowadays about their problems. People are more willing to study it and talk about it. A guy in previous generations admitting that he can't get it up? A bit more unthinkable than it is now.
There may be correlation, but correlation does not equal causation. There's other factors that could influence sexual dysfunction including diet, stress, drugs, etc. All things that are doing a number on us (diet being absolute garbage, people under far too much stress, the plethora of drugs - both legal and not - that people take).
People also may just simply have more options to discover what they actually like. It may have been that they used to just deal and accept that they may not find that person that shares their same interest, bedroom wise. With the advent of the internet, they know that they can have a much easier time finding someone that shares their same fetish. No more needing to hide what you like since there will almost always be someone else that likes it as well.