SimonG: Oh man...
1. This was a joke. Because you fell into a stereotype pitfall as big as Texas. Without going into detail how it is possible to not know GMT, you just displayed stereotypical American behaviour. Hence, my joke.
2. Your lack of humor and inability to take a silly joke on your expense is
another American stereotype.
Well if it was a joke, ok.... I have no issue with humor, I know what GMT is,, i just didnt know where the line was is all so in my head i just wasnt sure on how i missed it... aka how far around the world, But after some people explained something, I saw why i was confused,..
Like i said, i had the AM/PM messed up. Would you like to insert a sienfeld joke?.
I just made the post cause i was bummed, and didnt expect to be called stupid or made fun of.. there i go thinking again..
Personally, i just dont like humor that involves making fun of someones intelligence especially generalizations, i put it right up there with rascism.. Sorta like making fun of someones spelling. Just because someone doesnt spell well, doesnt mean they arnt smart enough to slip an atom...
On a side note.. I dont understand why there are time zones in the first place.. I find the whole concept moronic. It's the Same time of day it doesnt mater if its not light out, yet it is someplace else Sun up/set changes, yet time is always a constant.. Why we need to abitraily make it so so time of day is the same,, and can be especially confusing if you live on a line. It sure would make things a lot less confusing..
this isnt time travel.. its the same time of day, no mater what your clock says..