SpiRec: I am a collector of computer games for over 20 years now. And still I feel that my collection of thousands of games is a drop in the bucket.
There is one reason, I can think of, as to why try to collect EVERY game. And it is this:
Some gamers like playing games on specific platform. So, they try to collect every game made for that platform. Like having a complete collection of games released for
, or [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/02/08/enormous-30-year-video-game-collection-ebay_n_2643655.html]PlayStation. But I never saw a "complete" one for PC platform. The problem with PC games, is that there are so many.
In that case, why not to focus on PART of them?
You collect adventure games. Build your collection by years. Games made between 1980-1990, 1990-2000, 2000-2010. Also, make every subgenre a subcategory: puzzle, horror, detective etc. So every adventure you have can be catalogued llike: [game title], year:1990, subgenre: horror.
Another option is collect games made by specific company. Like trying to collect everything
Monolith have ever made.
It could be by your own criteria. Like collecting every game released on floppy drives. This leaves you with many interesting games, a major part of which also have a significant historical value.
That way you could monitor your collection. Seeing what parts your collection lacks, and what you parts you have comleted already.
SpiRec: Please GOG, concentrate on your primary aim! Or make those games cheaper so that I can afford more of them.
There are many giveaways run by GOG, as well, as by community members. You should
try entering.
SpiRec: Why has to think everyone that he has to build and sell a computer game anyway?
The reality of today, such as kickstarter and steam platform, allowed many programmers to earn money. Even without a major publisher.
SpiRec: I just would like to ask all these designers and programmers what they think that they contribute to revolutionizing a deadlocked scene by publishing the 100000th irrelevant game. Or are they really satisfied with saying to themselves that they only make fast food?
Take a look at [url=http://www.lofigames.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49:loading-saving-and-fear-of-death&catid=38:game-design&Itemid=55]Kenshi[/url].