TheEnigmaticT: The Gateway games are some of my favorite adventure games--and no one else seems to like them very much. It makes me sadpanda.
I think it might be to do with most people playing the game because of the novels, and got disappointed, I never read them myself. I thought the games were well written though, and decent sci-fi stories. I liked in the first game how you could access terminals and read reports and news, the amount of universe lore almost borders on the books in Morrowind or the like, even though it's all completely unrelated to the main plot (remember the Earth trivia game?).
The "interactive novel"/keyword thingamajig interface was the best part of Legend's games (or at least the ones that used that engine), apart from the stories themselves. Easily the best parser system ever in a computer game I think. It retains the best things about the text-adventure, having to type out words rather than "click" while having an easy interface with indications for all objects in a room, combined with the pretty visuals of graphical adventures.