Posted January 29, 2012

- Yes I do realize that most trilogies are "Made up as they ago along" What this might mean in this case however is that ME3 may suffer from the same things Uncharted 3 suffered. From what I remember Naughty dog admitted doing the same thing
1st step: pick locations, write story around said locations
2nd step: The game goes from one one location then jumps to another in less than 24 hours. Then goes from one location to another that makes NO SENSE even with the story
This might result in problems in the final game
- My point was: The game isn't even released yet but they already announced a lot of DLC, you know that any publisher/developer that does this instantly should be put up on "CODE RED APPROACH WITH CAUTION, AREA IS MINED" alert (Free DLC is excused from this) because who knows, it might just end up like with Fallout 3 and Prince of Persia (2008) Where the real endings were taken out of the game and sold as DLC
I do actually appreciate your posts and points but I just hope other certain people in this thread would do the same for mine, while I do wish for the game to turn out as best as possible I am less and less optimistic about it every time I read a new newsarticle regarding it
You are inferring stuff that isn't even there or taking the worst possible interpretation just to get attention. Making the game more accessible in the context of the article just means giving new players a chance to understand the plot without playing the previous games. Wanting the attention of the COD fans just means getting said new players interested. DLC for ME2 wasn't as bad as the other games you mention and I doubt ME3 would be different. At worst we'll get a lot of character skins for MP that you don't even need to buy.
So yeah, if you are so certain that the franchise is doomed then go and play something else. There is no reasoning with you if you just keep bashing the game just to "be cool", gain "nerd-cred", get "geek-points", or whatever. (Hint: it just comes out as pathetic)