angrypole: I am not going to lie though, I am overweight, socially awkward and still in school (becoming a teacher).
iippo: Being a bit older than you, take my word - being overweight is one of the easier problems in life. First, unless youre somehow sick about it, it isnt really dangerous - secondly if you so choose and put some attention to it you can simply get as fit as you like to.
I have some friends who are paralyzed neck down, puts things to bit different perspective..
Being socially akward. Well that gets only better by being in contact with people. Do you know why youre akward in social situations? Afraid of people or them thinking something about you? If it has something to do with you being overweight - you might solve two problems at once with luck :)
How being school is problem? is that supposed to be advantage with more girls and young women around? :D
I just think that I have many ideas and conceptions that are different from what other people think/would like to believe. For example, I play games that are old and enjoy them very much. Many of the people my age only play the latest games with shiny graphics. If I try to have a conversation about the most important games that I value, they will think that I am weird and likely not approach me again. I have not met many people with thoughtful personalities. Many of my acquaintances only care about doing what other people do. This is the same, if not more so true of girls that are friends. It is hard to pursue a woman with such shallow convictions and personalities. It sounds like I am weird person even talking about it and thinking about the reasons why I feel awkward.
rrr8891: To the OP: you really, really,
really don't want a girlfriend. It's like throwing your money into a black hole, only the black hole cheats on you. Just stick with prostitutes. You get in, you get out, you don't have to buy her expensive shoes the next day.
To be honest, sex is not something I am after. I looking for a relationship where I could be truly happy. If I could have the chance to have a relationship like James Randi and Deyvi Pena, I would. I am not even gay, but they just look so happy in interviews together.
fartheststar: Hey man, just wanted to recommend something called the "red pill" and the "manosphere". It's all about helping guys understand and operate in the relationship game. Be warned, it might be a bit "strong"/overstated sometimes, but there's good stuff there. There's lots a guy can do to increase social value, and understand what you need to do.
The first step is to work on yourself - become fit/healthy, confidence, be interesting, etc - but there's quite a bit more psychology behind attracting a mate also. (hint: most guys who are successful at dating will tell you it's not about being a "nice guy.") There's a whole "players" angle to this that's pretty unappetizing, and lots of guys that really don't think much of girls - but there are others who give really good advice on how to create, sustain interest from a woman and create long term relationships that work.
Here's a few pretty good sites imho to get you started if interested.
Again - some of the posts might be a little raw, but I think there's some good stuff in here for guys who are wanting to attract a mate but aren't having much luck as of yet.
Yes, the tone is bit strong. I don't know if I would be better off making signification changes to my attitude towards women.