keeveek: Don't worry, man. 3D printers will get cheaper and cheaper over time, and everybody will have a gf some day.
Some day.
I read a book called Love and Sex, With Robots. Pretty interesting read. I am not sure if i want to live kind of life. One of complete selfishness and self gratification.
angrypole: I am just wondering what the percentage of goglodytes who have never been in a relationship. It seems like many of my friends have never had any kind of romantic life. I wonder if it something to do with us, or if you guys are in the same situation. I just turned 23 last week, and it seems like I am doomed. I don't know if it because of the way the media portrays it, but it seems pretty devastating if you let it get to you. I am not going to lie though, I am overweight, socially awkward and still in school (becoming a teacher). I just wonder that if in two years, when I have my bachelors degree, it will be too late to pursue a meaningful relationship. For example, I was just stood up today on a date to see the last showing of Gravity. It feels terrible to get that text that they are not going to be able to come, then having to respond to them the next day or whatever. I don't know what to do. I feel like moving to another country, where my social awkwardness is perceived less strongly. Mexican women seem like fantastic people and great cooks.
Are you a permavirgin?
Code for Zeno Clash (Steam)
Crassmaster: The only piece of advice I can think of to even give you is, unfortunately, really easy to say...and a Hell of a lot harder to actually do (Sucks, I know). Stop worrying about it. The more you build this up in your head, the bigger a deal it becomes and the more anxious you get. It's true of basically anything, whether we're talking about freaking out over a big test or worrying about meeting a girl. It just continues to grow into this increasingly insurmountable problem that you can't get past or even see around.
As for being 23 and never having had a girlfriend, the only people who can make you feel bad about that are yourself and judgmental asswipes whose opinion you shouldn't bother listening to in the first place. So that leaves you. I think a lot of it comes down to how you perceive yourself. If you're going to define who you are as 'the 23 year old who hasn't had a girlfriend' rather than 'the guy who is well on his way to his bachelor's degree and setting himself up for the future', you're going to feel rather differently about yourself.
I struggle with self confidence a bit, but not nearly as much as I previously did. For myself, a lot of it was sticking with a job I detested and just generally hating everything that I was doing. Once I started making changes to the way that I was living, working and a lot of other things, I started to feel a lot happier and more confident. And when you're happy and confident, you tend to get noticed more often and act more...well...confidently. I can't say what might help you get there, because only you can really figure that out (Again, sucks...I know). There's nothing wrong with spending a bit of time every now and again taking stock of where you are and where you need to get better, so long as it doesn't turn into wasted years of navel gazing (made that mistake, too).
Thanks. This a cool way to think about it. As you mention, it is hard to just stop worrying about. The thing is, many of my friends have to brag and remind me about it too much.