Nightfall87: Wait, what? Why is it even permitted for high school students to wear these kind of t-shirts? Politics and religion should be kept out of schools as much as possible.
Freedom of speech. Politics should be talked about in schools, but, should be done in a matter of fact way, not in a biased way. Of course that's probably not going to happen, because every one is biased, but, it would be nice. Still, if we don't talk about politics outside the home, the children will only get a one-sided view of it, taught to them by their parents (and the biased news they listen to), and will always believe their "side" is right no matter what. I'm personally sick of the demonizing of people who don't believe the same way.
I believe a teaching of the facts of politics needs to be done, showing both sides many lies, and showing what they are really doing or trying to do, in equal measure. However, I do doubt most instructors would have the ability to leave their personal biases at the door of their classroom, and that is too bad. Yet, I also believe if it is not talked about more outside of the home, the splintering of citizens will only worsen, and compromise and understanding will become more and more difficult.
In a classroom the teacher is boss, and if students step out of line, it is the teachers job to control them, and I believe a good teacher should be able to do this. If we don't allow freedom of expression and discussion of politics in schools, I'm afraid people will either grow more disillusioned with the government, or more hateful of the "other" party and all who support them. It's a sad state of affairs to me.
But, taking away someones freedom to express their beliefs is even worse then talking about them, even if they don't understand them very much. Maybe they will learn something, rather then staying in ignorance and vice-versa, maybe they will teach someone else something new. Freedom of speech is one of the things that makes the United States of America what we are, or try to be, and that right shouldn't be infringed upon, not by the schools, not by the government, and not by any of us either. Of course I'm not talking about extreme things here like racist slurs and the like. But, politics is an important part of life, and everyone should be entitled to express their opinion about it in a respectful manner, even a never-voted-can't-vote-yet teenager. Suppressing it, is much worse in my view.
*Plays "My Country, 'Tis of Thee "* ;-P