ThermioN: I don't understand what the fuzz is all about.
You release a console, you start developing the next one after a short period of time. Companies usually don't talk about this so early, but in case of the Wii U, I'm not supprised at all.
the fuss is about you as a customer make an investment and in return for that investment you get 5 to 6 years of use and games out of it
the announcment of the new nintendo console pretty much shatters that trust because why bother getting the wii U now if the new nintendo is coming soon TM ?
thats what killed sega
they made promises they couldntt keep and killed the megadrive and 32 X and sega cd in quick succession and then let the saturn die in the west in favor for the dreamcast
the 32X is particularly egregious because it was barley a year old when sega killed it and sega promised full multi year support
so this is pretty much the death knell for the wii U
zicodxx: @ThermioN
Especially because the Wii U is not doing that well, you should not try to undermine it yourself. Sure you can lure non-buyers with the promise of new and better hardware but that's a kick in the nuts for those who DID buy the console already - i.e. the only "fans" Nintendo still has. I dunno - maybe that's "good marketing" - the future will show.
...sega fans would debate otherwise