niniendowarrior: It looks like my Vista laptop is on its way to hell. BSOD, overheating, freezing. Guess I won't be finishing Darksiders anymore.
OldFatGuy: My gaming laptop is having similar issues. BSOD at least 10 times in the past month after never recalling a single one for the first two years I've had it. Also when I'm online Internet Explorer crashes often lately. Frustrating because I can't just open up the case on this thing and toy around or I void the warranty. (3 year warranty.... I _think_) So it's either put up with it, or put up without having it all and sending it in for warranty work.
Has it just been in the past month that your BSOD started to occur? Do you recall if you installed a new program, or maybe updated a driver around the time that you noticed the BSOD? If you don't recall, it may be worth checking to make sure all your hardware drivers are up-to-date. If that doesn't work, maybe "roll back" your system (if your system restore goes back that far) to a date when you knew your system was working well. Just throwing out some ideas.
genkicolleen: I just leave the side of my computer open, with a small portable fan blowing on it at all times. The better your graphics card is, the more heat it generates. Although I don't have a "screaming game machine", I don't want to take any chances!
That's one sure way to keep your system cool :D