cmdr_flashheart: @ lugum: Lol, I remember one time I wanted to giveaway a steam copy of Guns of Icarus and I ended up redeeming it myself; went to copy/paste another key which didn't copy :]
HERE'S SOMETHING TO DICUSS (capitalized and bolded to grab extra attn!)
I came across a giveaway thread on another forum today, and it had a take-one-give-one theme going on. Idea being, that if you take a game, you give one to someone else.
Would people be interested in applying such rules to this thread? I don't want to start a new thread because the forum already has too many gifting/giveaway threads.
The good thing about the ninja giveaway thread, it that it's not fussy; you just post a key, or a PM request, and bam, you're done. So, if we have the take-one-give-one rule, or take-X-give-X, then OP's job is done after gifting the key, and the rest is up to the receiver.
Now, I PM'ed the thread OP about this, and he's of the opinion that this should be a democratic choice :]
So, what say you, fellow ninjas, would you like to have a take-one-give-one rule in the ninja giveaway thread? Feel free to discuss the pros and cons.
edit a word
Awesome idea. It would prevent "leaching" and as long as people have a key to give when they take one there shouldn't be any issues. I'm in :)